रविवार, 4 अगस्त 2024

Erratic and anarchic functioning of SAIL Mediclaim renewal portal

 By e-mail: chairman.sail@sail.in


Aug 04, 2024


Sri Amarendu Prakash,


Steel Authority of India Ltd,

Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 

New Delhi – 110 003.

Sub: Erratic and anarchic functioning of SAIL Mediclaim renewal portal all through the past 25 days.

  Ref: Our letter Nos. FORSE/SAIL-C/1124 dt. July 18, 2024 and FORSE/SAIL-C/1224 dt. July 28, 2024.


Based on the telephonic and written communications from the SAIL Ex-Employees all over, some of which were forwarded to the Mediclaim Nodal Officers in SAIL C.O./ Units by individual sufferers and many others by us, we feel quite saddened to say that in spite of so much of our oral and written communications to SAIL and MDI personnel  the SAIL-MDIndia Renewal Portal through the link https://sailenrollment.mdindia.com/ remains highly inefficient and erratic at every stage of processing. It hangs for hours to respond at some stages. All our grievances raised through our above referred letters have remained unanswered till now. It is shocking as well as surprising that no improvement in the working of the software is in sight to this hour.

In view of this we request you to kindly

1.       Advise all concerned to take a shutdown of the portal and correct its functioning before commissioning it after testing etc is satisfactorily completed and the portal becomes User-friendly.

2.      Look for an option in SB Collect for the remaining cases.

3.     Since large number of Ex-Employees have yet to renew, the last date may please be extended by one month, that is, till 10th Sept 2024.

4.      Allow use of Debit / Credit cards and facilitate renewal from the foreign countries.

With kind regards,  

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees

Dr V N Sharma                                                                                                     Chairman

Ram Agar Singh                                                                                                    General Secretary

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