शुक्रवार, 29 मार्च 2019

Input for SAIL Mediclaim Scheme for coming years

By e-mail
March 24, 2019  
Sri Anil Kumar Chaudhary,
Steel Authority of India Ltd,
Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 
New Delhi – 110 003.
                 Re: Input for SAIL Mediclaim Scheme for coming years. 
Dear Sir,
It may kindly be recalled that enough discussions took place on inadequacies of present medical scheme of SAIL at our meeting at Ranchi on 29th Dec 2018 wherein we emphasised for a better scheme plugging all loopholes which really impedes fulfilment of avowed objectives for ensuring better protection and healthcare of the retirees of SAIL which nowhere come up to the level of other major PSUs. We are sure with some modifications even in existing parameters lot of sufferance can be minimised. That is the reason why we were inclined to get associated in formulation of the scheme in operative parameters keeping aside the price tag although by contributing around 20 - 22% towards total premium ipso facto we become beneficiaries and stake holders too.
Moreover, we feel that mediclaim wing is manned by junior level officers on short tenure basis and nitty gritty of the scheme along with major ramifications including major problems being faced by our members do not get assessed or appreciated to that extent although we do not have any doubt in their individual competence  All these points were kindly appreciated by you and it was kind of you to give a patient hearing. However, unfortunately no heed was paid to our request so far. In the meantime, as desired we made out a comprehensive note on Health Scheme (https://tinyurl.com/shp-sms) and sent to you vide our letter No. FORSE/SAIL-C/ 0219 dated March 15, 2019
Meanwhile it transpires that tenders for new contract have already been floated and are under finalisation stage. It also transpires that United India Insurance Co, the present Insurer may bag the contract. It is a welcome move as we always prefer a PSU company to get involved with SAIL in all their activities as personal gains anywhere are not on focus.
The present joint operation by UIIC with their TPA M/s MD India has been so far satisfactory by and large as per reports collected from other affiliated units with constant hammering except some areas like delayed payment, stray repudiation and use of confusing language in their Auto-replies to all correspondences leading to harassment to Members of the Scheme. But with a longer tenure of the scheme better understanding and accessibility have been established and it is not desirable to rupture this for general welfare at this point when we have demanded a long-term contract at least for 3 years with the same card.

We are also confident in pursuance with our discussions and in line with our comprehensive note already sent to you, our ceiling on OPD and IPD treatment will be increased along with improvements suggested in our note and no additional liability will be loaded further on our members making their life more miserable. As already appealed earlier, except for a token money full premium should be borne by SAIL till such time our treatment facilities are made at par with serving employees. The disparity between retirees of SAIL and RINL under the same Ministry in respect of medical scheme, especially in respect of contribution to Insurance premium by individual members, is also glaring.

It would not be out of place to mention that those who took VRS were not qualitatively inferior to those who superannuated, that their contribution to the Company’s performance was no less. In fact, they helped SAIL in various ways including in reduction in its expenses and in increasing Company’s profits by taking VRS. I am sure you will agree that such decisions taken long ago, in parts, and enforcing them now after dozens of years have passed, in an arbitrary manner, cannot be appreciated and justified and does not project SAIL as a well-meaning organisation. Therefore, medical facilities for different kinds of retires who took VRS, at different points of time, should be continued without differentiating with those who superannuated, as the healthcare needs are not different for them. I earnestly request you to kindly get such negatively oriented paragraphs deleted/ withdrawn forthwith and to continue with the existing practice of healthcare for VRS retirees.

As on date, what we need is a congenial environment with compassion and to assuage the feelings and ameliorate the conditions of distressed retirees instead of considering everything in water tight compartments.

Sir, we are having high expectations from you and we are sure these will not be belied.

With profound regards,
For and on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees
Yours faithfully,

(V. N. Sharma)

Copy to:
Director (P), SAIL
Director (F), SAIL    

शनिवार, 16 मार्च 2019