शनिवार, 27 अप्रैल 2024

A comprehensive demand for Healthcare of SAIL Retirees

 By e-mail: chairman.sail@sail.in




Sri Amarendu Prakash,


Steel Authority of India Ltd,

Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 

New Delhi – 110 003.

Sub: A comprehensive demand for Healthcare of SAIL Retirees as also for drastic improvement in SAIL Mediclaim Scheme (2024-25).


We would like to draw your kind attention to the discussion held in the XIVth FORSE Apex Council meeting held at Bokaro on March 15-17, 2024, regarding Healthcare issues of the Retired Employees as well as demand made by the Council. Members present expressed resentment over inadequate healthcare for the retirees. While thanking SAIL management for increasing the IPD limit made effective from July 2022, there is more needed to bring improvements in the present system. Members also expressed the serious economic malady and social disparity in the whole system in respect of prevailing healthcare of the retirees who had spent all their lives in the Company and helped the Company to grow and to come to this shape.


In fact, a reference was made to the Directive Principles of the State Policy as enshrined in the Constitution (Articles 36 – 51), Article 38 which specifically envisages that the State shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting as effectively as it may, a social order.  The concept of ‘social justice’ enables quality of life to flavor and enliven the practical content of life.  With the Amendment in Article 44, the State shall in particular strive to minimize inequalities in the total social system which encompasses the healthcare system which is more Cardinal point in safeguard of one’s life. However, in this canvass also, there is glaring disparity and discrimination while protecting and maintaining proper health and life of the retirees. 


The injustice being done with SAIL Retirees, on this count, becomes more glaring when the available healthcare facilities in SAIL, a Maharatna PSU is compared vis-à-vis other few schedule-‘A’ PSUs like ONGC, IOC, BHEL, NTPC, and BPCL etc. (Comparative chart is in Annexure –‘A’). SAIL’s Healthcare policy/ scheme for retirees is inferior even to that of our sister concern RINL. As can be seen there were wide aberrations and disparity in the matter of healthcare management inter-se Schedule-‘A’ PSUs for reasons not known.  Historically, it prima-facie appears that there has been complete apathy and neglect towards the life and healthcare of SAIL retirees though being a Maharatna Company and known to be an enlightened and professionally managed Company.

The criteria of profit / profitability / affordability etc. which are shown as normal impediments, are no more valid in view of SAIL reaching at pinnacles of glory and fortunes.  It is only the misfortune of disparaged class of SAIL retirees suffering from abject neglect and apathy by keeping the permissible limits of OPD/ IPD fixed at very low level when the cost of living has gone skyrocketing for last dozen of years, though during last two years, some remedial actions have been taken but not much.  It is not much of a profit and loss concept as taking into account the premium being paid by the Company, if an additional amount of Rs. 120 – Rs. 130 crore is spent, it is felt and reasonably estimated that SAIL can provide free treatment to all retirees at par with their serving employees – keeping the present free treatment in plant hospitals open as hitherto. In that case., the hassles of providing Mediclaim Scheme / Insurance coverage will altogether be eliminated. 


Members strongly felt that most of the maladies of ‘Healthcare for Retirees’ are born of keeping the FORSE representatives away from policy making in spite of our several requests at regular intervals. There is an imperative need for direct involvement of FORSE representatives in formulation of comprehensive healthcare policy as they are more apprised about the intricacies of the operative paras and also, they are the beneficiaries paying part of the premium.


It was also felt that there has to be uniform application of the policy and accrued benefits therefrom and to make it at par with serving employees as envisaged in SAIL NJCS AGREEMENT, 1978.

The following issues also need to be settled to provide more widespread benefits. 



3)   SAIL must ensure inclusion of all IRDAI circulars for Sr Citizens in the SAIL Mediclaim Scheme for 2024-25.

4)   SAIL must ensure 'Cashless Everywhere' initiative of the General Insurance Council (GIC) to extend the cashless treatment at all hospitals. 

5)   SAIL must ensure ‘no deduction from Bills’ for the medicines or the line of treatment prescribed by a doctor of a Medical College Hospital or a Network Hospital as their superiority cannot be questioned.

6)   Better OPD facilities with ensured supply of all medicines to all the Retirees at par with Corporate Office and CMO, Kolkta.

7)   All pathological / diagnostic tests recommended by SAIL doctors / Medical Units may be undertaken in SAIL hospitals / SAIL nominated hospitals free at par with serving employees.

8)   For all terminal diseases, e.g. cancer, organ transplant, major heart surgery, CKD, liver transplant etc., SAIL should come forward with free treatment as in the case of serving employees.

9)   Insurance Co./TPA has stopped reimbursement of a combination of Leuprolide + Bicalutamide + Shelcal- a medicine for Cancer recently which used to be reimbursed in the past. This and other medicines for treatment of cancer should be incorporated.

10)  Free periodic medical check-up for self and spouse

11)  To start 24-hour working help desk

12)  Doctors’ prescription should be kept valid for one year for medicines

13)  Members also stressed for reduction in Top Up / Super Top Up premium rates which are very high. 

14)  There has to be clarity in “exclusion list” and it should be comprehensive. 

15)  Similarly, there has to be clarity in “the list of Day Care Treatments list” and it should be comprehensive. 

16)  That treatment as well as the charges for the retirees at Rourkela Super Specialty Hospital to be made at par with serving employees.

17)  It is also demanded that comprehensive dental treatment and Ayurvedic treatment should be covered under the scheme.

18)  Capping should be stopped in empaneled hospitals. It was observed that in case of capping, some hospitals are demanding additional amounts as Doctors Charges / medicines and also sometimes as special equipment / gadget charges.This practice should be stopped forthwith or should be given full medical coverage.  

19)  It was stressed by the representatives from Metro cities that treatment by RMP (minimum MBBS) should be allowed at par with serving employees as consultation charges at nominated OPD centres / hospitals are very high and there is also a logistic / movement problem in cities.  For the diseases of less serious nature, one can always go to a local doctor in the vicinity and avail the consultation at lower cost.

20)  Our long pending demand of increasing OPD limit to Rs. 20,000/- each for self and spouse with clubbing facility should be met from this year.

21)   More procedures e.g. Cystoscopy, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Bronchoscopy,     ERCP/ MRCP and all types of MRI should be brought under Day Care treatment.

22)   SAIL must honour the terms and conditions as given in para 14 of the Appointment Order to its employees for post-retirement free medicare to the Employees and the spouse.

23)  In VISL as of now Mediclaim scheme is from 1998 onwards, however, it should be from 1989 onwards since VISL became part of SAIL (subsidiary) in the year 1989.

24)  ICCU / ICU / ITU / Ventilator charges are to be paid on an actual basis. But the diagnostic / pathological charges while the patient is in such critical beds, should not be raised high and are to be paid at normal rate as in entitled beds.

25)  There is need to increase the entitlement limit of room rent further from 1%, 1.25%, 1.5% to 2% and 3% of individual sum insured value, depending upon the category of the respective city, as such charges in specialty hospitals have enormously increased or actual of entitled / available rooms is to be allowed.  

26)     In cases, where the patient is hospitalised before expiry of the policy period, but continues treatment after expiry of the policy, provision may be made to reimburse total expenses incurred from the new policy if the balance in the expired policy is not adequate to meet the total bill.

Sir, in view of the ever-increasing cost of living and Healthcare and ever-decreasing return on investment by Retirees we request you to kindly take a liberal view towards the above demands and accept and implement them from this year. Further, we request you to kindly involve us in the formulation, negotiation and finalization of SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 2023-24 so that a “more meaningful, helpful and beneficial to retirees’ scheme” is implemented. We are eagerly waiting to hear from you soon. We also propose for a SAIL-FORSE meeting at an early date to discuss these and other issues.

We hope to hear favorably from you soon.

With regards,

Yours faithfully,

For & on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees

(V. N. Sharma)


(Ram Agar Singh(

 Gen Secretary




Note: Besides, there are provisions also for giving financial aid under Felicitation Schemes in some PSUs to help the retirees at old age ONGC circular was sent by us to all concerned on 13th April 2023.   

बुधवार, 24 अप्रैल 2024

MoM of XIV FAC Meeting @Bokaro 24


Federation of Retired SAIL Employees (FORSE)

Decennial (10 year) Anniversary Celebration Programme

Place: Cinema Arena of BSL Club Ltd, Bokaro

15thMarch 2024 Friday (05.30 pm-7.50 pm)


1.    Dr V N Sharma, Chairman, Federation of Retired SAIL Employees, declared the Decennial (10 year) Anniversary Celebration programme open.

a.    The programme started with a Welcome Song by a group of girls.

b.    It was followed by lighting of the inaugural lamps by Sri Rajan Prasad, ED (P&A) Bokaro Steel Plant, the Chief Guest and other dignitaries on the podium.

c.     On this auspicious occasion, Dr. VN Sharma, Chairman, Federation of Retired SAIL Employees greeted the Guests on the podium, members of the FORSE Apex Council, the Executive Council of Bokaro Steel Retired Employees Association, Bokaro and invitees in the Hall and welcomed them all. He introduced the Chief Guest Sri Rajan Prasad, ED (P&A) Bokaro Steel Plant and the Guest of Honour Sri N.K.Singh, Ex-ED (P&A) Bokaro Steel Plant and delivered a special welcome address.

d.    Along with the introduction, all the Guests on the dais were felicitated by offering Shawl and Memento.

2.    Dr. VN Sharma provided a brief history of the formation of the Federation of Retired SAIL Employees 10 years ago at Rourkela for the social, physical, financial and professional upliftment/ betterment of the Retired Employees of SAIL. He also briefed on the organizational set up as well as the modus operandi of its functioning with its regular 24X7 activities as per the need of the retirees. He also mentioned that FORSE normally follows democratic path through dialogue and persuasion through communication with all concerned to achieve its goal for the welfare of SAIL Retirees. However, at times it has also been compelled to adopt peaceful, non-violent agitational approach.

3.    Sri Ram Agar Singh, General Secretary, FORSE spoke in brief on the Performance and Achievements of FORSE since its inception (Details can be seen in https://sailex.blogspot.com/2024/03/major-achievements-of-forse.html). He spoke about some of the major achievements like the updates on EPS 95, SAIL Mediclaim Scheme, SAIL Pension Scheme and praised the SAIL Management. He made special mention of the ex-SAIL Chairman Ms Soma Mondal Ji who considered and made it retirees- friendly in many ways like enhancing IPD coverage from 4 lakhs to 8 lakhs, a token Rs 100/- as premium for 80+ year old retirees, conceded our demand not to include the treatment costs of IPD against mediclaim if they are treated at Unit Hospitals, Increased the OPD amount at Kolkata to Rs 24000/- per member and same for the spouse.

4.    In his inaugural speech Chief Guest Shri Rajan Prasad, ED (P&A), BSL, Bokaro welcomed the FORSE Apex Council members who had assembled here from the length and breadth of the country and was optimistic that this Organisation will take important decisions related to SAIL retirees as has been its aims, objectives and its achievement thus far. He assured full cooperation from BSL management side in all respects. He praised the FORSE for playing active role as the Lead Petitioner in EPS 95 Pension case.

He appealed to the audience present to come forward as and when the need arises to tap the expertise and knowledge of our Retired colleagues to enhance the reputation of our Maharatna Company in the country and abroad. At last he wished well the Anniversary celebration, the Apex Council Meeting and our stay at Bokaro for three days. 

5.    FORSE Vice Chairmen Shri SK Ghosh, Shri JS Nagabhushan and Shri Abhay Kumar Das also expressed their views before the audience and they thanked the Bokaro management, the people who were present on the occasion and appealed to make this august Organisation more active and vibrant.

6.    Shri HCP Barnwal, President BSREA thanked all the Guests, members of Apex Council who had come here from the far distant places to attend this occasion and all the dignitaries and participants present. He thanked Smt Geeta Kumari for anchoring the programme so well.

7.    With this, Dr V N Sharma, Chairman, FORSE, declared the Decennial (10 year) Anniversary Celebration programme closed.

Cultural Programme & Dinner (7.30 pm -10.00 pm)

i.          Befitting the Decennial (10 year) Anniversary programme there was a beautiful evening of Music and Songs programme performed by the veteran team of ETV Jharkhand. This was enjoyed by all the Guests and audience which were consisting of Female members also.

ii.          At last all present (over300) enjoyed a dinner of delicious food and good starter items arranged on the occasion in the same Venue.


Approved by Chairman

(Ram Agar Singh)

General Secretary


Minutes of the XIVth Apex Council Meeting held at Bokaro Club, March 16-17, 2024.

16thMarch 2024 Saturday (09.30 am-6.00 pm)

Inaugural Session

1.   Participants: List of delegates is in the attached list (Annexure-I).

2.   Shri MP Singh, the Working President, BSREA welcomed Chairman FORSE Dr. VN Sharma, Vice Chairmen Shri SK Ghosh, Shri JS Nagabhushan and Shri Abhay Kumar Das, Gen Secretary Ram Agar Singh and Treasurer Shri N.C. Saha and all the Office Bearers and Apex Council Members who had come to attend the Apex Council meeting at Bokaro. He briefed the delegates’ with the culture and history of BSL and its great tradition of hospitality. He expressed that although our Unit has tried its best to make the delegates’ stay at Bokaro comfortable yet he suggested that the delegates may contact the volunteers for help etc.                                                                              

3.   Chairman invited all the delegates to introduce himself to the members. This was done.

4.      Dr.V.N.Sharma, Chairman, FORSE informed the Members about the circumstances in which the date of the FAC meeting was shifted from November 2023 to March 2024. He made a brief presentation regarding achievements during this period from last meeting at Bhadravati to now. He appealed to all to discuss issues related to SAIL Retirees and return back with full energy.       

5.   Vote of Thanks: Sri HCP Barnwal, President BSREA thanked all the dignitaries who are attending this meeting hosted by BSREA and also appealed for the cordial support and help our unit will be getting continuously.

Business Session I

6.   Confirmation of the Minutes of the Meeting held at Bhadravati on March 28-29, 2023: Sri Ram Agar Singh, Gen Secretary, sought the approval of the MOM which was circulated in advance and the house approved it unanimously.  MoM is available in https://sailex.blogspot.com/2024/02/blog-post.html  

7.   Finance & Audit Matters– Sri N.C. Saha., Treasurer, FORSE  presented the following for information and approval.

a.      Annual audited accounts of FORSE for the year 2022-23 was placed and approved by the voice vote.

b.      Updated Statement of Accounts of FY 2023-24 as detailed in Annexure-II was presented which in brief was as follows as on 10/03/2024: Rs 398 Cash in Hand, Balance in PNB Rourkela Ac Rs3,67,722.59p. PNB Ranchi Ac.Rs 1,26,679.90p

c.      The House was informed that the Income Tax Return for the FY 2022-23-submission complied and refund also obtained.

d.      A proposal for appointment of M/s AK Dutta & Associates was approved for the job of Auditing of accounts for the year 2023-24 alongwith filing of IT return for FY 2023-24/AY 2024-25 at same rates and terms and conditions as for last years. It was approved without objection with a voice vote.


8.   Utilisation of struggle Fund collected for EPS-95 court case: Chairman informed the House regarding a proposal to refund the money which was collected in the name of SC EPS 95 case. This was discussed at length. Some members were of the view to keep this money with FORSE for future use. However, some were of the view that it should be returned to the units to return back it to the contributors. The views were contradictory and no consensus could be arrived at. After a deliberation it was agreed by all that this issue should be deferred to the next FAC meeting.

9.   General Secretary FORSE presented a Report on the important activities subsequent to Bhadravati meeting including Review of progress on General, Financial Issues, EPS 95 Case etc.

He reported that as it was decided to meet the bereaved family of Late Arbindo  Mitra at Burnpur, Gen. Sec. paid a visit to Burnpur and met the family and assured them full support and cooperation to them. He also met the ED (P&A) IISCO to help the son of Late A.Mitra. A meeting was organized in the night in the unit office of IISCO Burnpur with the Leadership and a dinner was also arranged there. ED (P&A) and CGM(TS) were present in the dinner in our Unit Office. Shri Ashok Thakur, Shri Pradip Paul and Barman jee participated in this meeting cum Dinner along with their active colleagues. Gen. Sec, made a request to provide an Office to our Organisation there and it was agreed also. 

Regarding EPS 95 and Mediclaim activities taken by FORSE within this period which are in our domain. One important outcome of SC judgment, delivered on 4th Nov. 2022 is making discrimination against pre-Sept 2014 retirees and we are exploring its legal remedies, so we have to wait for its outcome. This order was discriminatory in nature as it divided the retirees in 2 groups. The retirees/ employed on 1st Sept 2014 were allowed to opt for higher pension whereas the retired employees before Sept 2014 were not allowed to exercise the option which was allowed in RC Gupta case in 2016 judgment by double bench headed by the then Justice Ranjan Gogoi. But he assured the house that our stand has legal strength and we will certainly win. Various cases in different HCs and RC Gupta Contempt Petition in SC provide a ray of hope.

Gen. Secretary reported the activities that took place in the form of correspondences through letters/ requests, appeals, memorandums and approaching dignitaries like PMO, Steel Minister, FM, SAIL Chairman.

10.                Critical comments and observation on SAIL’s responses in the light of GS Report were made as given below.

*        Sri S.K. Ghosh, Vice-Chairman thanked for presenting the GS Report which was very precise and aimed at divulging information to members. He requested all the members to come forward and comment.

*        Sri Abhay Kumar Das Vice-Chairman raised the issue of House Licensing while citing the circulars which were issued by RSP and suggested to make an important issue to change it like the existing practice in Bokaro Steel Plant. He suggested that our struggle for a uniform scheme for SAIL should continue on priority.

*   Discussion was concluded by Vice-Chairman Shri JS Nagbhushan who summarized the discussion which were meaningful and positive in his eyes including uniform Licensing Policy.


11.                Charter of Grievances & Demands of SAIL Retired Employees is in the following link https://sailex.blogspot.com/2024/02/comprehensive-charter-of-grievances.html were discussed item-wise in detail. Many Apex council members spoke on the agenda and suggested for betterment of the organization. Their views were noted down and will be applied in our future course of action / agitation.

(i)       Bi-monthly meeting by Heads of Personnel and Nodal Officer/ Medical Nodal Officer and Retired Employees represented by FORSE and FORSE -affiliated Associations

(ii)     Office accommodation to all FORSE-affiliated Associations against nominal charges

(iii)   Allotment of company quarters to Retirees

(iv)    HRA benefit/ arrears to all retirees irrespective of date of retirement.

(v)      Issuing I-Card by SAIL to all Retirees in line with corporate office and other Units.

(vi)     Opening/ Running of Senior Citizens (Retirees) old age home at all plants/  units locations by SAIL as started at Durgapur recently.

Business Session II

A.    Financial benefits to pre-2007(Exe) and pre-2012 (N.E.) Retirees

                 I.        Immediate grant of Ex gratia payment on monthly basis to the retirees uncovered under any pension scheme by SAILhttps://sailex.blogspot.com/2022/02/request-to-pay-pensionof-rs5000-to-all.html (especially in view of spectacular improvements in financial position of SAIL and much avowed policy of the Government to bring the Have nots under assured social security umbrella)

              II.        Gratuity payment wef 01st January 2017 to Executives-both serving and retired: It was discussed and decided to remind SAIL of our request as in the link https://sailex.blogspot.com/2022/01/letter-for-gratuity-payment-wef-01012017.html  to revert back wef 01st January 2017 instead of 29th March 2018 as has been done to Excutives in other PSUs like ONGC, IOC, NTPC, BHEL, GAIL etc and for Non-Executives in SAIL.

            III.        Issues with the Government- Increase in interest rate on deposits, Raising Income Tax slab limits.


B.    Healthcare Issues:

a)    SAIL Mediclaim & Healthcare schemes, to follow as far as practicable the principle of uniform application, for all retirees irrespective of location etc

b)    Improvements in present SAIL Medical scheme for the retirees at par with serving employees as envisaged in SAIL-NJCS Agreement 1978 and as exists in other Maharatna companies like ONGC, IOC, NTPC, BHEL etc without bringing major changes in the policy. (the points already forwarded earlier)

c)    OPD facilities with ensured supply of all medicines to Retirees by creating Pharmacy at all places at par with Corporate office and CMO Kolkata for all retirees.

d)    Mediclaim/ Healthcare related issues of SAIL Retirees raised through letter in https://sailex.blogspot.com/2022/02/forse-to-sail-for-improving-mediclaim.html

e)    Extending the SAIL Mediclaim Scheme to all Retirees of all Units without a cut-off date.

f)     All pathological/diagnostics tests recommended by SAIL doctors/medical units may be undertaken in SAIL nominated hospitals/centers free at par with serving employees and bills to be paid by SAIL

g)    Free annual medical check-up of the Retirees.

h)    For treatment of terminal diseases like Cancer, Neuro, major heart disease e.g., vulvectomy, Kidney transplant if permitted in case of complete failure etc SAIL to come forward with financial help beyond IPD limit.

i)      For Top up/ Super top up provision in the present Medical scheme, premium rates which are very high should be reduced drastically and made affordable.

j)     At the time of formulation of the new scheme for 2024-25, SAIL should associate FORSE representatives as per repeated demand placed with SAIL every year.

k)    In addition to above, SAIL may please set up a 24-hour working Help center for Retirees Healthcare purposes like hospitalization etc in odd hours and depute personnel in Corp Office as well as Plants/ Units to man this in all three shifts.

l)      SAIL should initiate a provision to provide financial support in such treatments which more than 8 lakhs (Flotter basis ) like Cancer . SAIL must come forward to support in such cases which beyond the capacity of the retired employees

Meeting with Director Incharge, BSL

         16thMarch 2024 Saturday (7.00 pm- 8.15 pm)

A Report

A meeting with Sri Atanu Bhowmick, Director I/c Rourkela Steel Plant with Addl. charge of BSL was held in the Director Conference room at about 7 pm and it was attended by members of the FORSE Apex Council and BSREA. The ED (W) Shri BK Tiwary and ED (P&A) Shri Rajan Prasad were also present in the meeting. Chairman FORSE presented Mementoes to Sri Bhowmick, Sri Tiwari and Sri Prasad to honour the three dignitaries. Sri Bhowmick also introduced Sri B.K.Tiwary as the would-be-Director In charge of BSL. FORSE welcomed this information and wished Sri Tiwary well in his upcoming role as Director Incharge, BSL.

Chairman, FORSE appealed to Sri Bhowmick to use his good offices as Member, SAIL BOD in persuading SAIL to improve the post-retirement policy for SAIL Retirees in terms of financial assistance and an improved Healthcare policy  in line with other Maharatnas like ONGC, Oil companies, NTPC, BHEL etc. who cover 100% of Medical expenses of the Retirees from their own fund, preparation of SAIL Mediclaim Scheme in discussion with FORSE as also in formulation and implementation of uniform House Licensing for all the units of SAIL. FORSE Chairman also put forth the similar expectations before Sri BK Tiwary.

In addition, FORSE Chairman informed Sri Bhowmick that RSP has advertised for auction of Houses and that an Application form at RSP costs Rs 6000/- Sri Bhowmick informed that tendering for Houses is stopped and he agreed to look into the cost of Application form.  Vice- Chairman Shri SK Ghosh and Shri JS Nagabhushan spoke on the occasion. The meeting lasted for more than an hour and a fruitful exchange of views took place.

 17th March Sunday

Business Session III

12.        Election of Office Bearers                                                                      

Sri Ram Agar Singh, General Secretary initiated the Election process for 2024-26 term and accordingly he invited Shri MD Thakur to be the Returning Officer and Shri Lalji Singh to assist him as the Asstt. Returning Officer.

Accordingly, the Returning Officer called for Nominations for each post. Sri Mantosh Mazumdar of Ranchi unit proposed the following for each post which were seconded by Sri R. Natarajan of Salem unit & Sri Jayanta Kundu of Kolkata unit. Even after making second call, no other nomination was filed. In view of this, in a free and fair election conducted by him, the Returning Officer declared the following elected unanimously for the term 2024-26.

Signed Election Report is in Annexure –III and can also be seen in https://sailex.blogspot.com/2024/04/forse-election-report-2024-26.html

On some reservations expressed. by Sri Nagabhushan on continuance more than the stipulated period, it was clarified that this issue was raised in Apex meeting held at Durgapur and on this Sri Abhay Das was requested to approach the

Registration authorities at Sundergarh and seek clarifications as to whether any amendment in related clause was necessary and if yes what action needed to be initiated. However no feedback was received from him so far in this regard. As Sri Abhay Das left the meeting one day early in exigency Sri Patra representative from Rourkela present in the meeting was requested to speak to Sri Das

on return and inform the council.


13.      Next FAC Meeting: Shri Rajarathinam from Salem expressed his desire to hold next FAC meeting at Salem sometime in Oct / Nov 2024-the exact dates to be fixed and announced by FORSE Chairman in consultation with Salem representatives and FAC members. It was accepted by thumping and clapping of the Council members.

14. A press briefing was organized (2.00 pm -3 pm) and the decisions taken in the 2 days meeting were conveyed to most leading press of Bokaro Steel City. A wide and detailed coverage were given to our FAC meeting and its outcome in Local media.

15.  Open House with BSL Retirees: After 3 pm a meeting was organized for the local active retirees and most of them were known by the society as they were holding the post of HODs in their service period and were active in Unions and Associations. They were all pleased by this assembly where free discussions were held on every topic concerning the Retirees. Chairman assured them that the good suggestions will be considered and incorporated during formulation of policies/ schemes for retirees.

Approved by Chairman

(Ram Agar Singh)

General Secretary



FAC Members present in the Meeting:



Updated Statement of FORSE Accounts 2023-24
