गुरुवार, 13 अप्रैल 2017

SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 2017-18 +IRPs+ Role of TPA

Circular for Gap Cases 

Salient Features of SAIL Mediclaim Policy/ Scheme
SAIL Mediclaim Policy/ Scheme has been circulated which is attached herrewith. But it is in 3 pages only. That means details are still being worked out.
  1. Effective for One year only: From 11th April 2017-10th April 2018
  2. Last Date for submission of Renewal Form: 15th June 2017
  3. The Insurance Co. is United India Insurance Co. and
  4. TPA is MDIndia Health Insurance Pvt Ltd.
  5. Payment system is through Onlinesbi.com State Bank Collect or through challan. 
  6. Amount to pay
  • <70 years (on 31/03/2017) : Rs.3572/- per person
  • >70 years-<80 years (on 31/03/2017) ; Rs.2498/- per person
  • >80 years (on 31/03/2017): Rs.1665/- per person    
Please address your queries/ clarification/ information related to SAIL Mediclaim Scheme to
ü Sri K.K. Jha GM (Mediclaim)  kkjha.sailco@gmail.com   Mob: 09968605082
ü Ms Neelam Sabharwal DGM (Mediclaim) 
neelam.sabharwal@sailex.com    Mob No. 09891723795 
ü SAIL Chairman  chairman.sail@sailex.com  Ph No. 011-24368094,
ü Director (P) SAIL  dp.sail@sailex.com  Ph No. 01124367259, 
ü to the concerned CEO/ HoP / IRPs of your Plant/ Unit (List below)