बुधवार, 19 फ़रवरी 2014

Letter to SAIL Chairman: Re-enrolment in Mediclaim Insurance for those who missed it

No. SEEA/MC/0114
Feb20, 2014
Sri C.S.Verma,
Steel Authority of India Ltd.,
Ispat Bhawan, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003.       
Sub:  Re-enrolment in Mediclaim Insurance for those who missed it 
Ref:  Our letter Nos. SEEA/MC/0612 dated Jan.27, 2012 & 1112 dated
          May 12, 2012
Dear Sir,
For a few years now we have been requesting SAIL authorities to permit renewal of the SAIL Mediclaim Scheme for those of the ex-Employees who missed inadvertently the opportunity to renew their membership within the prescribed period. Such people could not renew the policy in time because of their absence from place of permanent residence, delayed postal delivery or some disturbing happening in the family. I provided the example of our members like Sri R.P. Singh, ex-MD, BSP and Dr.Suresh Jha Ajit, ex-Director, National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology, Ranchi, earlier GM MTI/SAIL in earlier letters. The former is settled in Ranchi but does not have medical card to avail the medical facilities in Ispat Hospital, Ranchi. There are some more of similar kind. I do not think bad intentions can be assigned to any of those who failed to renew their membership of Mediclaim Policy. It was also noted in our recent AGM that such chance failures have led to costly sacrifices in some cases.  No response has been received from SAIL. I understand from other such retirees that they have also not received any reply to their representations. Such silence on part of SAIL leads to unintentional punishment – sometime to life – and creation of inequality between different Ex-Employees in distribution of social security benefits because of missed opportunity due to various reasons as mentioned above. We also feel that SAIL will not be a looser for permitting re-entry for such unfortunate Ex-Employees to the SAIL Mediclaim Scheme.
In the light of this we request you to please agree to inclusion/ regularization of such Ex-Employees, who missed the continuity, with a nominal charges into the Mediclaim Policy/ Scheme. I also propose to you Sir, to extend the date, if necessary, by a month or so for helping their inclusion in Mediclaim Scheme and oblige us.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


रविवार, 16 फ़रवरी 2014

Date of Mediclaim Form submission extended to 28th Feb 2014

SAIL has extended the date for submission of renewal form and Employees contribution for Mediclaim till 28th Feb 2014. Anybody who missed the boat earlier may submit his form and fees till 28th Feb.

डा वी एन शर्मा / Dr.V.N.Sharma
Cell No.9431102680,

मंगलवार, 4 फ़रवरी 2014

Final Date for Meeting at Rourkela is March 01-02, 2014 & Draft Constitution

4th Feb 2014
Dear Friends and Members,

In pursuance of the decisions taken in a formal Meeting of various Unit Associations of Ex-Employees of SAIL held at Rourkela on Jan 11-12, 2014 (May pl. refer to item 6 of the attached file)  a Meeting of the representatives of the Associations of Ex-Employees of all SAIL Units has been fixed for March 1-2, 2014 (Sat-Sun) at Rourkela. Please book your journey tickets to and fro Rourkela to participate in the meeting. Let us meet at Rourkela and act fast and act in +ve direction for the welfare of the Ex-Employees.  

Following the decisions of the meeting referred to above a meeting was held at Rourkela on Jan 31 (informal with Sri Suresh Gupta founder Chairman, SEFI and Sri Mohit Dash, a long time SEFI veteran) - Feb 01 (formal) 2014 which was attended by me alongwith other members of Rourkela Retired Employees Association. 

In addition the meeting discussed the various pros and cons of the draft Bye-Laws and Constitution for the Apex Body/ Federation to be formed and decided to forward it to all the members for suggestion for necessary improvement and changes so that the Bye-Laws is approved in the March 01-02 meeting at Rourkela and the Apex Body is given a final shape (We have already delayed it).  

  1. Draft Constitution and Bye-Laws is given below. Pl. also look into your e-mail Inbox.
  2. An agenda with other details will be sent within this week. 
  3. Please get in touch with Sri Abhay Das, President, Rourkela Retired Employees Association. His e-mail id is abhaykumardas@gmail.com and Cell: 09437221963 for stay arrangement etc. required by you on arrival in Rourkela. 
  4. Rourkela is located on Howrah-Mumbai Main line and is fairly well connected with other parts of India through direct fast trains. Hence booking of tickets should not be a problem if you initiate now.
  5. For clarification or in case of difficulty please contact me. 

डा वी एन शर्मा / Dr.V.N.Sharma
Cell No.9431102680,




A General Body Meeting of SAIL Ex-Employees Federation of India held under the Chairmanship of ……………………… dated ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 
1)    It was unanimously resolved that the Society “SAIL Ex-Employees Federation of India” should be registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI, 1860.
2)    It was also resolved unanimously that the General Secretary of SAIL Ex-Employees Federation of India is authorized to get the Federation registered under the aforesaid Act.
 Certified that this is the true and correct copy of the Resolution

(………………………………)                                           (-------------------------)
     Chairman                                                           General Secretary           

 Memorandum of Association and Constitution and Rules
Memorandum of Association
1.           Name of the Society: SAIL EX-EMPLOYEES’ FEDERATION OF INDIA in short “SEEFI”.  The Society shall hereafter be referred to as “the Federation”. It shall be a non-profit organization.
2.           Registered office of the Federation: ……………………………………………………………………………………...The working office of the Federation shall be ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3.           The Federation shall cover the whole of India.
4.           Aims and Objects and day-to-day activity of the Federation shall be woven around
i)              To promote and extend Human and Financial Assistance to its members.
ii)           To work for and promote welfare of its members through the Unit Associations and Steel Authority of India Ltd. And their various offices, plants and units.
iii)         To establish and maintain mutual relationship of understanding and trust with Steel Authority of India Limited and other appropriate authorities. like SAIL Plants/ Units, Government of India, Government of the States and the Union Territories and other Public sector undertakings, if and when necessary, on the issues like
a)      the need for extending welfare programmes and policies to the members with respect to financial relief and improved medical assistance
b)      the extension and implementation of all schemes and policies related to Senior Citizens.
iv)    To co-ordinate with SAIL and its Plants/ Units and the Unit Associations on the issues like
a)           utilization of professional information and knowledge of the Members for advancement of the Steel Industry,
b)           gainful utilization of the Members in advisory role in peripheral development and CSR programmes of SAIL and their Units,
c)            engaging the members of the concerned Units productively for the benefit of the Plant/Unit and the Society.
d)           to consider the Members part of the SAIL Family.
v)           To function as an Apex Body and render full assistance to constituent Associations as and when necessary. 
5.      The management of the affairs of the Federation and its properties shall be entrusted to a Governing Board, which shall function in accordance with provisions contained in the constitution and rules adopted by the general Council including amendment from time to time.
6.      The names, addresses and description of the members of the Governing Board, on which the administration of affairs of the Federation has been entrusted according to its rules, are given below.

Father’s/ Husband’s name
Position in SEEFI








7.   We the undersigned, whose names and addresses are given below, are desirous of being formed into an association in pursuance of this memorandum of association under the Societies Registration Act no. XXI of 1860.
Father’s/ Husband’s name
















                                                                                                                    Chairman                                                                                    General Secretary

Attested Signatures of all ….. persons listed above

Constitution and Rules

a)    ‘Unit Association’ means a registered Association of a minimum of 50 Ex-Employees of SAIL located in the Plants/ Units affiliated to the Federation.
b)    ‘Member’ means bonafide member of a constituent unit.
c)     ‘Council’ means the Apex Council constituted under Article VII hereunder.
d)    ‘Council member’ means a member nominated to the council by a Unit Association under Article-VII herein under.
e)    ‘SAIL’ means Corporate Office of SAIL
f)      ‘SAIL Plants/ Units’ mean the Plants, Units and offices of SAIL
g)    ‘Financial year’ means period from 1st April to 31 March
h)    ‘Term of the Council’ means period of two years from 1st July to 30th June or till the next Council is elected.
i)       ‘Auditor’ means an Auditor appointed by the Council
The Registered Associations of Ex-Employees of SAIL Plants / Units shall be eligible for affiliation to the Federation. Such affiliation shall be granted at the discretion of the Council.
Every bona fide member of each of the Unit Associations shall automatically become member of the Federation, and shall continue to be so, as long as he/ she continues to remain a member of any of the Unit Association.

a)    Every Unit Association shall pay an Affiliation Fee of Rupees Five thousand alongwith the Application for affiliation to the Federation in one instalment.
b)    Every affiliated Unit Association shall pay an Annual Subscription of Rupees Twenty Five thousand only to the Federation in one instalment by 30th April each year.
c)     Besides Annual Subscription, each Unit shall pay such additional Subscription / Contribution as may be required by the Federation. Such additional Subscription / Contribution shall not exceed Rupee Fifty (Re.50/-) only per member per annum.
d)    Failure to pay annual additional subscription as per Clause (b) and / or (c) above by a Unit will render the Unit liable to such action, including withdrawal of affiliation, as may be deemed fit by the Federation.
a)    The fund of the Federation will be raised through one or more of the following.
i)                   Subscription from Units as in Article- IV b) above
ii)                Additional subscription / contribution form Unit Associations as in Article- IV c) above.
iii)              Any other source as may be approved by the Council, including donation from Unit(s) / members, grant from Government, Public Sector Plants/organizations.
iv)              A share in income from entrepreneurial activities of the Federation / Unit Associations or of an individual member or a group of members in cases where the Federation / Unit Associations has been the initiating and catalyzing factor
b)    The funds raised shall be deposited with scheduled Bank (s) and be available for ready withdrawal to the extent necessary.
c)     The Federation may invest surplus fund in interest bearing term-deposit with Scheduled Bank(s) and or Government Securities.
d)    The bank account as well as investment shall be operated under the joint Signature of any two of the five office bearers as specified hereunder.
i)                   Chairman.
ii)                Vice-Chairman (nominated by the Council for this purpose)
iii)              General Secretary
iv)              Treasurer
v)                Joint Secretary  
e)    Each payment shall be made as per sanction of the General Secretary for cause of the Federation and or/ Unit(s) and /or its member (s), subject to the guidance of the Council.
a)    Cash Book, receipt of expenses/ vouchers shall be maintained by the Treasurer with a view to facilitate audit of the accounts of the Federation by a qualified Auditor.
b)    The Auditor will be appointed by the Council and will normally hold office for a year.
c)     An Income and Expenditure sheet with sufficient details shall be presented in each Council Meeting by the Treasurer.
d)    An Audited Account of Income and Expenditure shall be presented in the Annual Council Meeting to be held in April each year by the Treasurer.
a)    Apex Council
i)       The Council shall be constituted by Council Members nominated by the Unit Associations for this purpose. Each Unit shall nominate three members to the Council from amongst the members of their Executive Committee / Governing Body within 31st May of each year, ensuring representation of at least one member from Executive category and another from non-Executive category.
ii)    The Council shall be the Governing Body of the Federation and shall exercise all such powers and shall do all such acts as may be necessary for the furtherance of the objects of the Federation.
iii)  The immediate past General Secretary of the Federation shall be an ex-officio member of the Council for the next term, if not already nomited as a Council member, and if he does not cease to be member of any of the Unit Associations.
iv)  The term of each Council Member shall be two years from the date of election.  
v)    A Unit may replace a Council Member, earlier nominated by it, by another nominated member, and this latter Council Member also shall have to be from amongst the members of the Executive / Committee / Governing Body of the Concerned Unit ensuring the conditions laid down in sub-para a) i) above.
vi)  The term of a Council Member, who has replaced another Council Member before expiry of the term of first mentioned Council Member as per Clause (i) above, shall be the Member only for the remaining period of the Council’s tenure.
b)    Office Bearers :
i)                   Chairman-1
ii)                Vice-Chairmen-3
iii)              General secretary-1
iv)              Deputy General Secretary-3
v)                Treasurer-1
vi)              Jt Treasurer-1
c)    Election :
i)                   The office bearers shall be elected by 30th June in every alternate year by and amongst the Council Members by simple majority vote and shall normally hold office for the term. The Ex-officio Council Member shall not hold any post of Office bearers.  
ii)                The Chairman and the General Secretary of the Federation shall not hold any office after completing two consecutive terms.
iii)              The Unit Associations attending less than 75% of the Council meetings in a term shall be debarred from participating in the election of the Office bearers for the next term.
a)    Any or more of the Office Bearers can be removed from the office held by him / them by adoption of a resolution to this effect by simple majority vote, provided at last one month’s notice to this effect has been given to all the Council Members. The notice for the purpose shall be deemed sufficient and proper if sent to all the Council Members present in the country at that time by Registered post/ Speedpost.
b)    Any of the Office Bearers can resign from the post by giving similar notice as above, to all members. The notice in such a case shall have to be approved by the  Executive Committee / Governing Body of  the concerned unit and countersigned by the General Secretary / Secretary of the unit. Such resignation shall become effective upon acceptance by the Council.
c)     Any vacancy in the post of any office bearer shall be filled up from amongst the Council Member in terms of Article VII, Clause (c).
a)    The Chairman or in his absence one of the Vice-Chairmen shall preside over the Council meetings.
b)    The General Secretary shall be the Executive in charge responsible for implementation of all the decisions of the Council. He shall convene the council meeting and shall be responsible for maintaining the assets and records of the Federation including minutes of the meetings. He shall act under the General guidance of the council for the cause of the Federation and its Units / members. In absence of the Council the General Secretary will act in consultation with the Chairman
c)     He shall promptly post the copies of minutes of the Council meeting to the General Secretary / Secretary of the Units. He shall forward all the documents concerning financial transaction to the Treasurer. He shall be assisted by Dy. General Secretaries.
d)    The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the federation and its accounts and book and record keeping related to Finance.
a)    The council shall meet at least once in every six months.
b)    Quorum for Council in meetings shall be half the units affiliated and 1/3 (one third) of the strength of the members.
c)     For a council meeting minimum fifteen days notice shall be given to each Council member except in case of Emergency / Extra ordinary meetings.
d)    The notice of council meeting shall specify date, time, place of meeting and the agenda.
e)    Copies of the notices of the Council meeting shall be endorsed to the General Secretary/ secretary of the concerned Unit.
f)      A substitute member can attend the meeting in place of a regular member of his/ her Unit and shall have all the rights and responsibilities of the regular Member provided the substituting member has formal authorization from his Unit President/ General Secretary.
g)    A Unit may also send at any Council meeting not more than two of its Executive Committee / Governing Body members to be observes, with advance notice to the General Secretary of the Federation, Such notices shall contain name of each observer and the post he holds in the Unit. With permission of the Chairman at the Council meeting the observers may participate in the deliberations but they shall not have any right to vote.
h)    An Emergency Meeting of the Council may be convened by the General Secretary of the Federation, on written request / application from a minimum of 4 Unit (s) or 25% of the Units whichever is less, on a fixed agenda within one month of the receipt of such request / application, if no Council meeting is otherwise held within that period. 
a)    The Council shall be the Governing Body of the Federation and shall exercise all such powers and shall do all such acts as may be necessary for furtherance of the Aims and Objects of the Federation as defined in Article-II.
b)    The Council shall have the powers to appoint Sub-committee / Committee for such purpose as may be felt necessary. Such Committee may include person (s) other than the Council Members.
c)     The decision(s) of the Federation will be communicated to the Unit Association for further action.
d)    The Federation shall normally decide all the issues by consensus. In the event of difference of opinion, if any, the issue will be decided by simple majority vote of the Council Members. The Ex-officio member will have no right to vote. The Chairman will exercise right of vote in the event of a tie.
e)    Each Unit shall keep the Council informed of all the developments/ action at individual unit level.
The Constitution may be amended by the Council in a meeting to be held specifically for this purpose. Notice and quorum requirement for such meetings will be as detailed in Article X. Any amendment to the Constitution will require minimum of 2/3rd (Two Third) majority of the Council members present.  

In case at least two third of the Units resolve through their respective General Body Meetings, duly notified and held seeking dissolution of the Federation, the Federation will stand liquidated. In the event of the liquidation, the assets and liabilities in the name of the Federation shall stand equitably distributed amongst the Unit Associations.