सोमवार, 17 अगस्त 2020

Request for written communications to FORSE

 By e-mail


Aug 17, 2020       


Sri Anil Kumar Chaudhary,


Steel Authority of India Ltd,

Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 

New Delhi – 110 003.

           Sub: Request to provide only written communications to FORSE.

Dear Sir,  

This is to invite your kind attention to our long pending demand to establish Communications with FORSE through formal meetings with Top Management (Decision making level) and regular consultations on issues with Nodal Officers of SAIL & Plants/Units. We are sorry to say that SAIL miserably failed in this endeavour and Communication Breakdown is almost complete for all these years. We say this with conviction because both the oral and written communications never ever took shape on the ground. To say the least, all oral or written communications to us proved to be factually wrong and FORSE representatives were left high & dry and ultimately with only option to chew their words in absence of convincing reason/ explanation, not forthcoming from the concerned personnel of SAIL. Apart from everything else it takes a toll on our physical & mental Health which is difficult to maintain/ regain with a weak Healthcare policy of SAIL and members end up cursing SAIL.

In view of the above, we request you to kindly advise the concerned Personnel Directorate personnel to provide responses to our communications - one-sided thus far - in writing. No point in receiving a Phone call from a SAIL person in a hurry, assuring us something on Phone and backing out the very next day and leaving us in the lurch. 

Hope we will get acknowledgement and written response soon. 

With warm regards,


For & on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees (Regd)

Dr.V.N.Sharma, Chairman 

Ram Agar Singh, GS

शनिवार, 8 अगस्त 2020

Mediclaim premium Deposit date is upto 25th Aug 2020

 Dear SAIL Retiree,

The SAIL Retirees who are yet to deposit their Mediclaim Premium may please note that 
1. the State Bank Computer system is under repair till tomorrow, Sunday dated 09th August 2020. Hence, please relax and do not be panicky as 
2. the date for premium deposit has been extended to 25th Aug 2020

You are advised to please try to deposit the Mediclaim Premium from 10th to 25th Aug 2020 if you have not already done so..


प्रिय सेल अवकाशप्राप्तकर्मी , 

सेल  अवकाशप्राप्त कर्मी जो अभी तक अपना मेडिक्लेम प्रीमियम जमा नहीं कर पाए हैं वे कृपया ध्यान दें कि 

1. स्टेट बैंक कंप्यूटर सिस्टम कल, रविवार दिनांक 09 अगस्त 2020 तक मरम्मती के अधीन है। इसलिए, कृपया आराम करें और चिंतित न हों क्यूंकि   

2. प्रीमियम जमा करने की तारीख 25 अगस्त 2020 तक बढ़ा दी गई है।

आपको सलाह दी जाती है कि कृपया 25 अगस्त 2020 तक मेडिक्लेम प्रीमियम जमा करें यदि आपने अभी तक प्रीमियम जला नहीं किया है।