शुक्रवार, 23 अगस्त 2024

Date extended to 29/08/24


                             By e-mail: chairman.sail@sail.in




Sri Amarendu Prakash,


Steel Authority of India Ltd,

Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 

New Delhi – 110 003.

Sub: Our Appeal to (1) get the SAIL-MDIndia mediclaim enrollment portal working efficiently and (2) extend the last date of Enrollment for SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 24-25 to 15th Sept. 2024 (3) allow payment for Top up.


Further to your latest order for extending the Mediclaim Renewal/ Enrollment date to 25th Aug 2024 this is to bring to your kind notice that as per the message received by us - not only from our members but also from the Plant/unit Nodal Officers/ IRPs - a large number of Ex-Employees failed again and again in completing their enrollment due to erratic and inefficient functioning of the Enrollment link https://sailenrollment.mdindia.com continuing to this date. The defective link has become a nightmare for our members. We understand that in many cases the link reverted back on its own, at every stage, leaving the process incomplete. Retirees have taken physical and financial stress in visiting cybercafé in faraway places to complete their enrollment. Some of them could not succeed even then. Also a good number of Ex-Employees could not add the Top up amount. So their enrollment ended up only with the Base coverage.We are sorry to say that not much help comes from managers of the Portal.

In our considered opinion, the portal needs a thorough checking and revamping to make it working trouble-free before the next extension is approved. Since we are not provided with an estimated data of left out cases for enrollment/ renewal by SAIL it is difficult for us to be accurate but the left out cases could be in a few thousands.

Sir, in view of the above, we appeal to you to kindly extend the date of renewal and Top up to 15th Sept. 2024 after making necessary changes in the portal to make it working.

With kind regards,  

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees

Dr V N Sharma Chairman

Ram Agar Singh  General Secretary



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