शुक्रवार, 23 अगस्त 2024

Date extended to 29/08/24


                             By e-mail: chairman.sail@sail.in




Sri Amarendu Prakash,


Steel Authority of India Ltd,

Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 

New Delhi – 110 003.

Sub: Our Appeal to (1) get the SAIL-MDIndia mediclaim enrollment portal working efficiently and (2) extend the last date of Enrollment for SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 24-25 to 15th Sept. 2024 (3) allow payment for Top up.


Further to your latest order for extending the Mediclaim Renewal/ Enrollment date to 25th Aug 2024 this is to bring to your kind notice that as per the message received by us - not only from our members but also from the Plant/unit Nodal Officers/ IRPs - a large number of Ex-Employees failed again and again in completing their enrollment due to erratic and inefficient functioning of the Enrollment link https://sailenrollment.mdindia.com continuing to this date. The defective link has become a nightmare for our members. We understand that in many cases the link reverted back on its own, at every stage, leaving the process incomplete. Retirees have taken physical and financial stress in visiting cybercafé in faraway places to complete their enrollment. Some of them could not succeed even then. Also a good number of Ex-Employees could not add the Top up amount. So their enrollment ended up only with the Base coverage.We are sorry to say that not much help comes from managers of the Portal.

In our considered opinion, the portal needs a thorough checking and revamping to make it working trouble-free before the next extension is approved. Since we are not provided with an estimated data of left out cases for enrollment/ renewal by SAIL it is difficult for us to be accurate but the left out cases could be in a few thousands.

Sir, in view of the above, we appeal to you to kindly extend the date of renewal and Top up to 15th Sept. 2024 after making necessary changes in the portal to make it working.

With kind regards,  

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees

Dr V N Sharma Chairman

Ram Agar Singh  General Secretary



बुधवार, 14 अगस्त 2024

FORSE Appeal to SAILfor extension

                                                                  By e-mail: chairman.sail@sail.in


Independence Day, 2024


Sri Amarendu Prakash,


Steel Authority of India Ltd,

Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 

New Delhi – 110 003.

Sub: Our Appeal to (1) extend the last date of Enrollment for SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 24-25 to 31st Aug 2024 and to (2) allow payment for Top up to those who failed to pay with Base premium.


This is to bring to your kind notice that as per the message received by us a large number of Ex-Employees could not complete their enrollment due to erratic and inefficient functioning of the Enrollment link https://sailenrollment.mdindia.com, continuing to this date. Slow down also appears lately to have been caused by a large number of recent porting in/out of Mobile service providers. As per many communications from us due to erratic behavior of the portal a good number of Ex-Employees could not add the Top up amount. So their enrollment ended up only with the Base coverage.

Sir, in view of the above, we appeal to you to kindly extend the date of renewal to 31st Aug 2024 and also ask all concerned to make necessary changes in the portal to accommodate payment of Top up amount by those who could not do so with the Base amount. A good gesture from your end on an auspicious National day like Independence Day will be appreciated by us all.

With kind regards,  

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees

Dr V N Sharma Chairman

Ram Agar Singh  General Secretary

सोमवार, 12 अगस्त 2024

IRDA forwarded FORSE complaint to NIA to resolve

---------- Forwarded message ---------
भेजने वाले: complaints IRDA <complaints@irdai.gov.in>
Date: मंगल, 20 अग॰ 2024 को 7:07 pm बजे
Subject: Fwd: Request to advise SAIL/ New India Assurance/ TPA (MDIndia, Pune) to include provisions of IRDAI’s new master circular
To: <gro@newindia.co.in>
Cc: <forsesail@gmail.com>

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find herewith attached a reminder from the complainant on the complaint registered with IRDAI Token No. 07-24-003238. You are hereby advised to resolve the same immediately, inform the applicant and duly update the status in https://bimabharosa.irdai.gov.in

Policyholder’s Protection And Grievance Redressal Department 
IRDAI, Sy. No. 115/1, Financial District
Nanakramguda, Gachibowli, 
Hyderabad- 500032

मंगलवार, 6 अगस्त 2024

Mediclaim Renewal extended also to those in foreign countries Last date 18/08/24 for all

Attn: All SAIL Retirees,

Advice 1:

On our request, SAIL has made arrangements, as per the following Circular, to faclitate renewal of Mediclaim by SAIL Ex Employees located in foreign countries. Such Retirees located curretly in foreign countries may please follow the detailed procedure given below and renew their Mediclaim from their current location on or before 18th Aug 2024 .

 Advice 2:

As per the Circular in the link melow the last date for mediclaim renewal is extended to 18th Aug 2024. Please complete the process for yourself and pass this on to those members who have not completed the renewal so far. 

 Advice 3:

  In case any of you in India or outside face difficulty please write an e-mail to manas@sail.in and sail@mdindia.com with a copy to forsesail@gmail.com May please follow this with reminders by calling


Sri Manas Rath CGMP SAIL on  99686 05869 



Mr Sachin: 9371839226 or

Mr.Swapnil : 8956123252.

MDIndia on 18002665599,

as there is very little time left.


Dr.V.N.Sharma, Chairman 

Federation of Retired SAIL Employees (Regd)

रविवार, 4 अगस्त 2024

Erratic and anarchic functioning of SAIL Mediclaim renewal portal

 By e-mail: chairman.sail@sail.in


Aug 04, 2024


Sri Amarendu Prakash,


Steel Authority of India Ltd,

Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 

New Delhi – 110 003.

Sub: Erratic and anarchic functioning of SAIL Mediclaim renewal portal all through the past 25 days.

  Ref: Our letter Nos. FORSE/SAIL-C/1124 dt. July 18, 2024 and FORSE/SAIL-C/1224 dt. July 28, 2024.


Based on the telephonic and written communications from the SAIL Ex-Employees all over, some of which were forwarded to the Mediclaim Nodal Officers in SAIL C.O./ Units by individual sufferers and many others by us, we feel quite saddened to say that in spite of so much of our oral and written communications to SAIL and MDI personnel  the SAIL-MDIndia Renewal Portal through the link https://sailenrollment.mdindia.com/ remains highly inefficient and erratic at every stage of processing. It hangs for hours to respond at some stages. All our grievances raised through our above referred letters have remained unanswered till now. It is shocking as well as surprising that no improvement in the working of the software is in sight to this hour.

In view of this we request you to kindly

1.       Advise all concerned to take a shutdown of the portal and correct its functioning before commissioning it after testing etc is satisfactorily completed and the portal becomes User-friendly.

2.      Look for an option in SB Collect for the remaining cases.

3.     Since large number of Ex-Employees have yet to renew, the last date may please be extended by one month, that is, till 10th Sept 2024.

4.      Allow use of Debit / Credit cards and facilitate renewal from the foreign countries.

With kind regards,  

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees

Dr V N Sharma                                                                                                     Chairman

Ram Agar Singh                                                                                                    General Secretary