सोमवार, 22 जुलाई 2024

Inefficient functioning of SAIL-MDIndia portal


email: sail@mdindia.com  
July 21,2024 
M/s MDIndia Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd.

Dear Sir,
This is to bring to your kind attention that the MDIndia portal through the link https://sailenrollment.mdindia.com/ designed and introduced by SAIL-MDIndia is highly unsatisfactory and functioning inefficiently since its commissioning on 11th July 2024  afternoon. It is so erratic and unstable that very few, to be counted on fingers, could complete their task of renewing their mediclaim in one go/ in one sitting. A large number of them are still waiting for their good luck to complete Enrollment. A few of them raised the complaint to  sail@mdindia.com in black and white and a few called on Phone No. 18002665599 and failed to get the system seamlessly working. As per them, nothing other than the deep silence was the response from MDIndia.
It appears that in the days of the Govt - promoted "Digital India" this portal development has been done in a highly unprofessional way-incomplete and half-way operational. A red stripe running in sail.mdindia.com reads Please note that the current Sail portal will be disabled until the enrollment process is complete. 
Alongwith this the MDIndia App Care SAIL is also disabled. This clearly indicates that the portal was not fully developed and certainly not tested for such a massive operation in a given timeframe of one month. It is also not clear why this portal does not work from foreign countries when due to faster and faster Communication Highways the world is becoming shorter by the day and is considered a Global village. As you must be aware a good number of our Members are located in foreign countries at this time of the year for their own reasons.
In view of the above, we request you to kindly make all the parameters of the portal , from Log In to downloading of E-Card and Payment Receipt, fully and efficiently functional without further delay even from foreign lands. 
Hope to hear a favourable reply from you soon. 

With warm regards,


For & on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees (Regd)

Dr.V.N.Sharma, Chairman

मंगलवार, 16 जुलाई 2024

Resentment over SAIL Mediclaim 24-25


By e-mail: chairman.sail@sail.in


July 16, 2024


Sri Amarendu Prakash,


Steel Authority of India Ltd,

Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 

New Delhi – 110 003.

Sub: Our strong resentment over highly unsatisfactory one-sided formulation and implementation of SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 24-25 and non- functional Payment Gateway.  


We are dismayed to get the new Mediclaim scheme for 24-25 for SAIL retirees made effective from 11th July 2024 just two days before the expiry of the running scheme keeping the members tense and also with the most clumsy and cumbersome payment procedures. (https://sailex.blogspot.com/2024/07/sail-mediclaim-scheme-24-25.html) SAIL instead of formulating a user friendly system have embarked upon a system which have made life miserable to many ageing and some handicapped retirees without any PC staying at remote places without cyber cafe in the vicinity. Mediclaim portal is working differently for different people at different times in different computers, laptops or mobiles. Payment system is taking money in selective cases and reports txn failed. Debit Cards are still not operational. Some people have paid twice. Concerned personnel may please be advised either to rectify the system and make it operational including with Debit Cards or go back to the old system of payment through SB Collect. It is further reported by members in Kolkata and various Steel Townships that cyber café are charging Rs700-800 per case for renewal, an additional financial burden on Retirees.

We are sorry to say that this system has unilaterally thrust upon the members without any prior information. As on date also many members could not complete the formalities and remained uncovered. It really haunts our minds as to what could be the reason for introducing the new system.

But most significantly to ventilate our strong indignation over the sharp increase in premiums payable by members ranging from around 21 to 22 % over last year without any material benefit to the distressed members.

In fact the average overall percentage increase in totality has been 80% compared to premium paid 3 yrs. back without any benefit excepting increase in IPD limits and treatment for macular eye disease. We just cannot accept such a hefty increase and it has become unbearable. The logic of calculating percentage of premium shared by the members over the total premium paid by the Company ranging from 20-30 % prima facie is illogical now and is dubbed as Draconian decision.

We agree that Insurance companies might have increased their tariff but such additional burden should be taken by SAIL as a benevolent Maharatna Company even as CSR to brighten the image and impress upon outsiders including ISO auditors. The retirees never expected such shoddy treatment from the organisation at the fag end of their life after serving 35-40 years long compared to others at par PSUs. The comparable post superannuation benefits chart of some major PSUs were earlier incorporated in our comprehensive note sent to you on 27th April 2024. (https://sailex.blogspot.com/2024/04/a-comprehensive-demand-for-healthcare.html) We had also drawn your kind attention in the same note towards various provisions eg Art 36-51 with amendment in Art 44 which envisages safeguard of health and security and inter alia minimizing inequalities and discrimination. SAIL as PSU cannot shirk such responsibility being an extension of state as pronounced earlier by higher courts.

In fact we wish to point out that none of our demands as serialized from 1 to 26 in our note has been considered by SAIL in the new policy neither in letter nor in spirit even some without any financial implications. We have been cajoling for an interface with FORSE before formalizing any such scheme having far reaching consequences who are having better insight and exposures. We never intended to participate in tender finalisation. It may be mentioned with all humility that as beneficiary and with partial financial sharing we derive consequential right to be called for in the pre launching phase.

Be that what may be, we record our strong resentment brewing all over on this disdainful scheme which instead of bringing happiness and relief to the financially disparaged retirees languishing miles away virtually brought tears.

On the operational parameters, pending detailed study at unit level we had a cursory look. The most shocking part is that no increase has been made in OPD coverage in spite of most reasonable demand in view of sharp increase in consultation charges in identified centers and increase in pathological and diagnostic charges. Our request for allowing OPD treatment by RMP in vicinity at cheaper rates specially for small ailments having lesser burden and optimum utilization of the allocated fund within ceiling has also not been agreed.

We have also asked for removal of the capping system in most hospitals, additional charges are levied in other some head. It is a pity that other charges to be reimbursed are kept at the same level although hospitals have affected hefty increase everywhere.

It is ridiculous to note that additional coverage of Rs 5 lakhs has been allowed for treatment of cancer patients, fair enough to start with but why for first incidence cases. It is a terminal disease and treatment is a long drawn process. How someone can be deprived if the disease is diagnosed before Eleventh July. It looks amazing and hence needs modification.

Under item 10.1 certain relaxation has been given in respect of room rents but why for E 8 that too only for those who got separated on First Jan 2017. What is the logic and why this discrimination among the retirees? Why has it not been given for all to opt?

We are terribly frustrated with such aberrations and in entirety with the tardy formulation of such a sensitive scheme impacting the whole SAIL retirees’ community who have been intensely resenting and living with simmering discontent.

It is very unfortunately a sad commentary of the enlightened organisation how its retirees are treated that even a meeting with them is not held where in other large PSUs like IOC, ONGC etc. periodic meetings are organised.

As a professional body normally we don’t wish to ventilate in Public domain or contemplate to plan for embarking on a certain agitational path at the moment but certainly for an immediate meeting with FORSE. We also demand free treatment for SAIL Retirees. That means, SAIL’s share of contribution to the premium must be raised to 100% (Zero contribution from SAIL Retirees). Our other immediate demand is that please get the Mediclaim Renewal portal efficiently operational soon so that Members do not get sick for the transaction failure.

With kind regards,  

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees

(V N Sharma)


(Ram Agar Singh)

General Secretary







रविवार, 14 जुलाई 2024

Procedure for premium payment 24-25

For SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 24-25 please click on


 Step wise procedure for premium payment for SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 2024-25

In English and हिंदी में

1.   Please click on the link https://sailenrollment.mdindia.com/  for payment of Premium and Renewal etc, in web browser. This will redirect the members to the Login Page.

2.   Enter your MIN No. as valid user name and date of Birth in DDMMYYYY format as password and fill Capcha correctly and click on “Login” tab. You will be redirected to the OTP page. Fill up OTP from your Mobile and Click On Login. Please create a new password of 8 digits and re-Log in.  

3.   Members will be redirected to the enrollment page. The member can view his enrolment details. · Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.

4.   Other Details: Here members is required to fill self and spouse details by filling all the mandatory details marked in red asterisk.

5.   Please scan both front and back pages your Adhar Card with first 8 digits as masked and upload this, size should not exceed 2MB and should be in jpg/jpeg/png/pdf format.

6.   After filling the other details such as Date of Separation, SAIL Personnel/Staff No. , Executive or Non-executive and Grade at Separation members is required to save the details by clicking on “Save” tab.

7.   Members can opt for the desired top-up (sum insured).

8.   Please note: If the members is executive with E8 and above grade then he is eligible for the enhanced room rent with unchanged basic sum insured. If the members wants to opt for the same he is required to select the “Yes” button and click the check box and hit “Submit” button.

9.   Member is required to cross-check all the details and confirm by clicking on “Confirm” tab. 8. Next step is to click on “Pay Now” Confirm Details

10.                Click On Pay Now: Choose Mode of transaction of your choice and then click on “Pay Now”.

11.                Members can view the payment details as below. Here members can download the receipt.

12.                Members can view and save the payment receipt.

13.                Members can download E-card after the completion of payment. Click to download E-card.

 14.  GAP CASES Enrolment of gap cases shall be done in offline mode at the respective Plant/Unit level from where the ex-employee has separated. Beneficiaries have to submit the hard copy of the Application Form and deposit the applicable premium through DD/ECS mode as the case may be. Internal Resource Persons (IRPs) at respective Plants/Units shall facilitate completion of the process.


a)   If you find difficulty, please try with a different Browser.

b)   If the completion of a command takes longer please wait and allow the PC or Mobile to complete the tasks.

c)   In case of difficulty, members may please write the issues to sail@mdindia.com or call 18002665599.

d)   If you fail to get proper response please contact Sri Manas Rath CGMP SAIL on  99686 05869

 e) Necessary modification has been done for those in foreign countries. This is also applicable to those in India
1. Somebody in India can pay on your behalf.
2. The concerned IRP of the unit
with Mobile No. in the following Table also has been given access to modify mob no .
3. Local TPA at plant/ units in the Table below also  can change mob no.




सेल मेडिक्लेम स्कीम 2024-25 के लिए प्रीमियम भुगतान की चरणबद्ध प्रक्रिया

1. कृपया वेब ब्राउजर में प्रीमियम और नवीनीकरण आदि के भुगतान के लिए https://sailenrollment.mdindia.com/ लिंक पर क्लिक करें। यह सदस्यों को लॉगिन पेज पर रीडायरेक्ट करेगा।
अपना MIN नंबर वैध उपयोगकर्ता नाम और जन्म तिथि DDMMYYYY प्रारूप में पासवर्ड के रूप में दर्ज करें और कैप्चा को सही ढंग से भरें और "लॉगिन" टैब पर क्लिक करें। आपको ओटीपी पेज पर रीडायरेक्ट किया जाएगा। अपने मोबाइल से ओटीपी भरें और लॉगिन पर क्लिक करें। कृपया 8 अंकों का नया पासवर्ड बनाएं और फिर से लॉग इन करें।
सदस्यों को नामांकन पृष्ठ पर रीडायरेक्ट किया जाएगा। सदस्य अपना नामांकन विवरण देख सकते हैं।लाल तारांकन (*) से चिह्नित फ़ील्ड अनिवार्य हैं।
अन्य विवरण: यहां सदस्यों को लाल तारांकन में चिह्नित सभी अनिवार्य विवरणों को भरकर स्वयं और जीवनसाथी का विवरण भरना आवश्यक है।
कृपया अपने आधार कार्ड के पहले 8 अंकों को छिपाकर, उसके आगे और पीछे के दोनों पन्नों को स्कैन करें और इसे अपलोड करें, इसका आकार 2MB से अधिक नहीं होना चाहिए और यह jpg/jpeg/png/pdf प्रारूप में होना चाहिए।

अन्य विवरण जैसे अलग होने की तिथि, सेल कार्मिक/कर्मचारी संख्या, कार्यकारी या गैर-कार्यकारी और अलग होने पर ग्रेड भरने के बाद सदस्यों को "सहेजें" टैब पर क्लिक करके विवरण सहेजना आवश्यक है।

सदस्य वांछित टॉप-अप (बीमा राशि) का विकल्प चुन सकते हैं।

कृपया ध्यान दें: यदि सदस्य E8 और उससे ऊपर के ग्रेड वाला कार्यकारी है तो वह अपरिवर्तित मूल बीमा राशि के साथ बढ़े हुए कमरे के किराए के लिए पात्र है। यदि सदस्य इसके लिए विकल्प चुनना चाहता है तो उसे "हां" बटन का चयन करना होगा और चेक बॉक्स पर क्लिक करना होगा और "सबमिट" बटन दबाना होगा।
अगला चरण "अभी भुगतान करें" पर क्लिक करना है विवरण की पुष्टि करें 

10. अभी भुगतान करें पर क्लिक करें: अपनी पसंद का लेन-देन का तरीका चुनें और फिर "अभी भुगतान करें" पर क्लिक करें। 

11. सदस्य नीचे दिए गए भुगतान विवरण देख सकते हैं। यहाँ सदस्य रसीद डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। 

12. सदस्य भुगतान रसीद देख और सहेज सकते हैं। 

13. सदस्य भुगतान पूरा होने के बाद -कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। -कार्ड डाउनलोड करने के लिए क्लिक करें। 

14. गैप मामले: गैप मामलों का नामांकन संबंधित प्लांट/यूनिट स्तर पर ऑफ़लाइन मोड में किया जाएगा, जहाँ से पूर्व कर्मचारी अलग हुआ है। लाभार्थियों को आवेदन पत्र की हार्ड कॉपी जमा करनी होगी और डीडी/ईसीएस मोड के माध्यम से लागू प्रीमियम जमा करना होगा, जैसा भी मामला हो। संबंधित प्लांट/यूनिट में आंतरिक संसाधन व्यक्ति (आईआरपी) प्रक्रिया को पूरा करने में सहायता करेंगे।


a)      यदि आपको कठिनाई हो रही है, तो कृपया किसी अन्य ब्राउज़र से प्रयास करें। 

b)      यदि किसी आदेश को पूरा करने में अधिक समय लगता है, तो कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें और पीसी या मोबाइल को कार्य पूरा करने दें। 

c)      कठिनाई के मामले में, सदस्य कृपया sail@mdindia.com पर समस्याएँ लिख सकते हैं या 18002665599 पर कॉल कर सकते हैं। 

d)     यदि आपको उचित उत्तर नहीं मिलता है, तो कृपया 99686 05869 पर श्री मानस रथ सीजीएमपी सेल से संपर्क करें।

For & on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees (Regd)

Dr.V.N.Sharma, Chairman