बुधवार, 27 दिसंबर 2023

Federation of Retired SAIL Employees (FORSE)

               Federation of Retired SAIL Employees (FORSE)

Federation of Retired SAIL Employees (FORSE) was established on 02nd March 2014 with its Office at Abasar Bhawan, D-Block, Koel Nagar, Rourkela (Odisha). Given below is the Working Committee for 2024-26.Names of Affiliated Member Associations are also given. It is registered under the Society Regn Act XXI of 1860.

 FORSE By-Laws link:

FORSE By-Laws link: https://sailex.blogspot.com/2016/02/federation-of-retired-sail-employees.html

SAIL mediclaim link: https://sailex.blogspot.com/2023/07/sail-mediclaim-scheme-2023-24.html 

Working Committee


Dr. V.N.Sharma


Vice- Chairmen

Sri S.K.Ghosh

Sri J.S. Nagbhushan                 

Sri Abhay Kumar Das

General Secretary

Sri Ram Agar Singh



Sri A. Rajarathnam

Sri Bangaru Tata Rao

Sri B. Manjunath

Sri T.K. Dutta

Sri Ashok Thakur

Sri Sarashchandra R. Salvi

Sri D.K. Thakur


Sri N. C. Saha


Jt. Treasurer

Sri Arabindo Kr Patra

Affiliated Units

1.    Assn. of SAIL Calcutta Superannuated Employees, Kolkata  

2.   Bokaro Steel Retired Employees Assn. Bokaro  

3.   RSP Retired Employee Assn, Rourkela  

4.   SAIL Ex-Employees Assn., Bhilai 

5.   SAIL Ex-Employees Assn., Durgapur 

6.   SAIL Ex-Employees Assn., Ramgarh Chapter

7.   SAIL Ex-Employees Assn., Ranchi

8.   SAIL-ISP Burnpur Retired Welfare Association

9. SAIL Retired Employees Association, Mumbai.

10. SAIL-Retired Employees Welfare Society, Chennai.

11.  SAIL-Retired Employees Welfare Society, Hyderabad.

12. SAIL-Salem Steel Plant Ex-Employees Welfare Assn., Salem

13.  VISL Retired Employees Welfare Centre, Bhadravati, Karnataka


Procedure for affiliation of a Member Association in brief 

1.     An existing or newly formed Association with reasonable number of Retired Employees of SAIL (both Executives & Non-Executives) on membership roll can approach FORSE formally for affiliation. Provisional affiliation is granted by FORSE after following due process.

2. However, permanent affiliation is granted on ensuring that 

(i)  a minimum hundred members have joined and by submitting a copy of registration certificate and a bank draft of Rs. 5000/-   with a resolution of the concerned Association (Bank Account details given below) . 

(ii)  The Association must be registered under the Society Registration Act.

3.   On affiliation to the Federation an Annual fees of Rs. 2000/- per year will need to be deposited to FORSE Account (Bank Account details will be provided on demand).

4.  Please contact any of the Office bearers or write to this forum at forsesail@gmail.com or fed.sailex@gmail.com for clarification etc.
