शनिवार, 26 अगस्त 2017

Silence of SAIL wrt Retirees' issues - Action Requested

To: chairman.sail@sailex.com,

df sail <anil.chaudhary@sailex.com>,
FORSE Core Group <sailex-core@googlegroups.com>,
"seearanchi@googlegroups.com" <seearanchi@googlegroups.com>
August 25, 2017
Sri P.K. Singh,
Steel Authority of India Ltd.
Ispat Bhawan, Lodhi Road,
NEW DELHI -110003.
Dear Sir,
This is to draw your kind attention to the seriousness of the issues of the Retirees being ignored by SAIL for years. A correspondence held in January this year esp between SAIL and FORSE, almost on the eve of our 3-day Agitational Action wef Feb 07, 2017 in front of SAIL Corporate Office, Lodi Road, New Delhi, is attached herewith for your kind perusal. the enthusiasm was short lived as SAIL forgot all about it the moment participants of Delhi Agitation & demonstration too their return journey. 

As we have intimated, creation of the post of Nodal Officers in SAIL Units has yet to be operationalised at the Unit level even after 7 months of announcement by SAIL and creation of a Apex level Nodal Officer at SAIL CO, New Delhi is also not in air till this day. It is clear beyond any doubt that even this tiny step was only a half- hearted approach. SAIL Pension Scheme is yet out of bounds for the post - 2006 Retirees, no move to provide financial assistance to pre-2007 retirees, finalisation and implementation of SAIL Mediclaim Scheme is also not much to be happy about. A dozen request from us failed to generate a sense to recognise FORSE and invite its representatives for a direct dialogue to understand and find solution to the Retirees' issues. 

Sir, if you don't mind I would like to compare your officers handling Retirees issues including Healthcare issues with the French Admirals, of the famous Historical French Revolution period, who had not seen sea. If it is just extended with experience they don't appear to be worthy of higher responsibility which they are bestowed upon by virtue of their position in SAIL.

In view of the above I request you to kindly grant recognition to FORSE and invite us for at least a two day meeting as per your convenience. 
A line of acknowledgement with an invitation for a SAIL-FORSE meeting will gladden our heart esp if this reaches us before our Apex Council Meeting at Salem on Sept 12-13, 2017     

With warm regards,
For & on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees (Regd)
Dr.V.N.Sharma, Chairman 

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