April 10,
Minutes Of The 5th
Apex Council Meeting Held at Ramgarh on 09th and 10th
April 2016.
decided in the 4th Apex Council meeting of FORSE held at Bhadravati
on 26th and 27th September 2015 the 5th Apex
Council meeting was convened at Ramgarh on 09TH and 10TH
April 2016. Delegates from respective unit associations of retirees of SAIL
from Bhadravati
(Karnataka), Bokaro, Burnpur, Kerala, Kolkata, Ramgarh, Ranchi and Salem
participated in the meeting
as per the list attached (Annexure-I). Over two dozen Observers and
Invitees from different SAIL units also attended the meeting
session started with welcome of the delegates and guests by Sri Emmanuel Kuzur, Convenor of the Organising Committee.
It was followed by an introduction of Ramgarh city incl. the importance of
IFICO and other Units of SAIL Refractory Units located there by Sri Kuzur. The
delegates and guests gave a self-introduction.
Chairman, FORSE, presided over all the sessions. In his opening remarks while
welcoming the delegates, he thanked the SAIL Ex-Employees Association, SRU,
Ramgarh Unit for hosting the Apex Council Meeting of FORSE in a befitting
manner and dealt with the aims and objects of FORSE vis-à-vis the role played
by FORSE in ventilating the acute and outrageous problems of the retirees of
SAIL, exhorted to fight all such issues in consolidated and uniform manner.
also mentioned his informal but scheduled meeting with Sri Shitanshu Prasad, ED
(P&A, Corp Office) on 1st Feb at MTI, Ranchi. He further
informed the house that in spite of the assurances given by Sri Prasad to revert
back to us within a month or so no progress was made even after a lapse of over
two months. It was natural to interpret this as an indicator of lack of
sensitivity of the Company towards its retired employees.
MOM of the 04th Apex Council Meeting held at Bhadravati, as
circulated through e-mail and posted for the record, in the link http://sailex.blogspot.in/2015/10/minutes-of-apex-council-meeting-at.html was accepted as approved and passed by a voice
Abhay Kumar Das, GS also dealt in detail with the position regarding action
taken so far by FORSE on the resolution taken in Bhadravati. He confirmed the Registration
of FORSE under SR Act.
7. Audited
Accounts: Due
to unavoidable circumstances created by accident of the Treasurer the audited
account could not be presented. In his absence the GS presented a provisional
statement of Accounts (Annexure II). It was decided to request Sri Abhay
Kumar Das, the GS, to get it audited within a fortnight by a qualified auditor
on payment of Honorarium not exceeding Rs. One thousand and send a copy of the
Audited Account to all Apex Council Members immediately.
8. During the discussion it was brought to the notice of the house that
many units are defaulters in paying Affiliation fee and Annual subscription
which can be seen in the following list. Chairman requested all the Member
Associations to clear the pending subscriptions immediately. He also suggested
to the Units to raise funds by collecting donations, if possible.
of Member Associations who have paid the Affiliation Fee
Name of the Unit
Paid, Rs.
Association of SAIL Calcutta Superannuated
Employees, Kolkata
SAIL Ex-Employees Association, Ranchi
RSP Retired Employees Association, Rourkela
VREWC, Bhadravati
SEEA, Kerala
BSP Ex-Officers’ Association, Bhilai
Bokaro Steel REA
SAIL-Salem Steel
Plant Ex-Employees Welfare Assn (Paid on 09/04/16)
List of Member
Associations who have paid Annual
Association of SAIL Calcutta Superannuated
Employees, Kolkata
SAIL Ex-Employees Association, Ranchi
VREWC, Bhadravati
RSP Retired
Employees Association, Rourkela
SAIL-Salem Steel
Plant Ex-Employees Welfare Assn(Paid on 09/04/16)
9. Discussion on Issues before SAIL Retirees: Respective Member Associations gave a feedback about their activities
and put forth their proposals for discussion. The viewpoints of all the
Associations were deliberated in detail as per Annexure I of the Agenda in the
link http://tinyurl.com/FORSE-Agenda and the final outcome are
summarized as follows.
(i) General and direct financial benefit issues:
(a) To formulate schemes for monetary help in
any form to those retired on or before 31st December, 2006 (Pre-2007
Retirees) in form of monthly payment of a minimum of Rs. 5000/- and ex-gratia
payment periodically to mitigate their urgent needs as is in force in ONGC,
BHEL, IOC etc.
(b) To finalise and implement
Pension Scheme for those retired on or after 1st January, 2007 (post-2006
Retirees) as early as possible (particularly in view of the fact the the RINL
has aalready implimentated).
(c) To recognize FORSE as the
representative body of SAIL Retirees and organize SAIL-FORSE Apex Council
meetings at least twice in a year or more if the situation so warrants. (ONGC follows this practice of regular meetings
with their retirees’ representatives).
(d) FORSE representatives to be formally involved in all stages of
negotiations/discussions with the Insurance Co./TPA etc. during finalization of
SAIL Mediclaim Policy/Guidbood.
(e) To create a Nodal Office for
SAIL Retriees at SAIL Corp.Office and Plant Unit levels to assist Retirees.
(f) SAIL
to discuss the issues related to Retirees only with FORSE representatives (not
with any other organisations).
(g) SAIL to provide office space
in Kolkata.
(h) Leasing of Houses in Steel Plant/Unit Township to ex-employees and
their family members.
(h) Withdrawal of all decisions
discriminating between executives and non-executives
(ii) Improvement in Healthcare facilities like better Healthcare system,
automatic renewal, increased coverage of Hospitalization and outdoor treatment
etc. as detailed in Annexure II of the
Agenda in the link http://tinyurl.com/FORSE-Agenda The Council expressed strong resentment over present mediclaim scheme
of SAIL which is drawn every year with substantial contribution by SAIL
retirees towards overall premium which have failed to meet the basic medical
needs to large extent of ageing members due to various restrictive and exclusion
clauses with ceiling in reimbursement and maladministration of the TPA, the
facilities available being much better in other similar PSUs.
(iii) Release of payment of arrears to retired employees of IISCO and SRU and
mediclaim facility coverage to the retirees of VISL (upto 2004) to be done on
urgent basis.
10. Drastic cut by the Govt of India in the interest on deposits for Sr. Citizens like Sr. Citizens Savings Scheme, MIS and
PPF etc. and reduction in the rates of interests on deposits in banks are also
identified as some of the causes of poor quality of life of the SAIL Retirees
in the absence of pension or any other regular income. Such a pitiable
situation led to popping off of a few under tragic circumstances at the fag end
of their life. It was seriously discussed and debated and the Council observed
this to be a retrograde step by the Govt. against its Senior Citizens incl.
SAIL Retirees.It was observed to be all against the ideals of the Govt as spelt out in the
Govt portals for Senior Citizen which also appears to have been scrapped
without really doing itanything positive formally. The Council demanded from
the Govt. 11% interest on deposits, esp. meant for Sr. Citizens who are without
pension, with provision for tax free exemption for income up to Rs. 6 lakhs,
regular revision against the price rise of essential commodities as done for
Govt pensioners.
11. ACTION PLAN : During the
discussion it was concluded that the hopes of the SAIL Retirees,
banking on the new SAIL Management, was totally belied as SAIL did not show any
interest in resolving the long pending issues detailed above. In view of the financially distressed condition of SAIL Retirees
leading to a life in privation and the agony and with ignominy they have to
live with, the Apex Council chalked out a detailed plan of action due to lack
of interest and initiative by SAIL to resolve the standing issues to meet the
SAIL Retirees expectations. In view of this it was
decided to implement the following Action Plan in all Units with all
- Pasting posters and banners in the Steel Townships on weekly and
fortnightly basis.
- 20th June,
2016 : Rally to be
organized in each Plant/Unit
- 21st June,
2016: Dharna in front
of or near the main building of the Plant/Office .
- 4th August,
2016: Human chain
formation will be organized in each Plant/Unit Township between 12.00 noon
& 2.00 PM .
- 5th August,
2016: Dharna/Demonstration
will be organized in front of the main building of the Plant/Unit.
- November, 2016 after Puja & Chhath festival: In
case the above fails to get a positive response from SAIL a massive Dharna
and Demonstration will be organized in front of SAIL office, New Delhi.
The Council discussed and decided/ clarified
the following related to organisational matters for its smooth functioning.
Duration of the Apex Council: The issue
was discussed quite in detail as different Units were found to be following
different terms/ duration for their Council. It was felt important and quite
necessary to synchronise the term of Council and the date of election of Unit
Associations with those of FORSE, as after the formation of new Council of
FORSE with nominees of Unit, it will create impasse and be embarrassing as well
if midway, Unit recalls its nominee just because of defeat in the election or
for any other reason. Once Unit sends its nominee and he holds a position,
under normal circumstances he should be allowed to continue for the full term
of two years in FORSE as per the constitution of FORSE and decision of Apex
Council so long his any act is not deemed unconstitutional or detrimental to
the interest of the organisations. This will avoid any discord in the
functioning of the Council.
At the end
of it all, the unanimous view of the Council was that without any ambiguity the
duration of Apex Council will remain as two years as provided for in its
by-laws from even year to alternate even year like 2014-16, 2016-18…... Member
Associations who have different duration like 3 years, 5 years etc will fail to
match with the FORSE Apex Council in alternate years. This may result in
destabilisation of FORSE. In view of this, it was decided to advise the Member
Associations to make appropriate changes in their duration and schedule of
elections to even years like 2, 4, 6 years coinciding with FORSE and complete
the elections by month of March of every Election year.
Affiliation and Annual Fees: It was
discussed at length, and taking care of all aspects of its functioning, it was
decided unanimously that the Affiliation Fees of Rs. 5000/-(at the time of
affiliation and Annual Fees of Rs. 5000/- every year as provided for in the
FORSE by-laws stands and no change is desirable. Council Members of Unit
Associations were also advised to raise funds by collecting donations etc. in
addition to membership fees.
The election and assumption of Office by the
new Executive Body: Sri Jayant Bose ex-employee of IFICO, Ramgarh
and a member of SEEA, Ranchi, SRU Ramgarh Unit was nominated, with express
consent of the Council Members present, as Election Officer to conduct the election
of Office bearers. He announced the procedure and got it approved by the
Council. Thereafter, he asked for the nomination of candidates post-wise. The
following Office bearers were declared elected unanimously
i Newly elected members of the
Executive Body who were present took over charge of Office with immediate
effect that is April 10, 2016 afternoon after the Election Results were
Since the newly elected
General Secretary and the outgoing Treasurer were not present it was decided to
request the outgoing GS to hand over the charge to the newly elected GS, Sri
Chitta Ranjan Das, at Rourkela as quickly as possible.
Pursuant to the above
decision regarding Audited Account GS was also advised to ask the outgoing
Treasurer to hand over all documents including Cash Book, Cheque Book, Pass
Book, Audited Account etc in original to the new Treasurer within a Fortnight.
iv. The Apex Council also resolved
that as per provision in the Article VI (d) of the Constitution and Bye-laws the
Federation Account in Punjab National Bank at Rourkela be operated henceforth
by any of the two signatories out of the newly elected office bearers namely
Chairman, General Secretary and Treasurer.
The concerned Office bearers
were advised to take immediate steps to smoothly transfer the operation of Bank
Account of FORSE.
Submission of Annual Report: It was also decided that the GS will submit
a Report with all relevant documents to the Registrar of Societies at
Sundergarh as required under the SR Act within a month. Since GS was not
present he should be communicated the decision by FORSE Chairman
V Advice to Member Associations:
In view of the fact that
FORSE is a Federation of Retired Employees the names of all Member Associations
must include the word ‘Ex-Employees’ or ‘Retired Employees’ and indicate that
it is for all employees irrespective of their designation at the time of
retirement/ superannuation. It is clarified that the name of the Society or the
body text of the by-laws must not contain Officers, Executives or
Non-Executives kind of words.
b) The Units
must follow all the policy guidelines, directives and programmes and decisions
of the FORSE Apex Council including Agitational Action Plans and must take care
to avoid any decision at local Unit level which contradicts, coincides or
interferes with those declared by FORSE. However, they should feel free to take
up the issues at local level in the interest of the retirees and to write
letters to SAIL or Govt endorsing the stand taken by FORSE.
They must register with Registrar of
Societies as an independent organisation immediately if they have not done so
d) They must
pay the Affiliation and Annual Fees whichever is due as soon as possible but
within the time limit prescribed in the FORSE By-laws.
VI Next Apex Council Meeting: It was
decided to hold the next meeting in Sept 2016 in South preferably at Salem.
However, Salem representatives agreed to confirm after their EC meeting.
(I) On behalf of all the delegates of the Apex Council and on his own behalf
Dr. V.N.Sharma, Chairman rose to thank Sri Abhay Kumar Das, the outgoing GS for
his yeoman service in the formation and stabilization of FORSE in adverse
circumstances. He designated him as real
Founder of the Federation and hoped to continue to get his support and guidance
for a minimum of next two years as ex-officio member of the Council. Members
present gave a big hand to Sri Abhay Das.
(II) He also thanked the whole SRU/ IFICO Team led by Sri E. Kuzur, A.N.
Sahay and Sri J.Bose for the flawless arrangement made by them for their
wonderful hospitality to the delegates. He also thanked all those involved in
making excellent arrangements boarding, lodging and transportation of the
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair
of Participants to the Apex Council Meeting
Assn. of SAIL Calcutta Superannuated
Sri S.K. Ghosh
Sri Debasish Chaudhuri
Sri Jayanta Kr. Kundu
Sri Dipak Brajabasi
Sri Madan Mohan Sarkar
Bokaro Steel Retired Employees Assn
Sri R.A. Singh
Sri M.P. Singh
Sri C.D. Sharma
Bharat Narayan Singh
RSP Retired Employee Assn, Rourkela
Sri Abhay Kumar Das
SAIL Ex-Employees
Assn., Kerala
Sri N. Kavirajan
SAIL Ex-Employees
Assn., Ranchi
B.N. Chaudhary
P.K. Sinha
Emmanuel Kuzur
SAIL-Salem Steel
Plant Ex-Employees Welfare Assn
Sri A. Rajrathinam
Sri S.
VISL Retired Employees Welfare Centre
Sri J.S.Nagabhushan
Sri Ravindra Reddy BK
Note: In addition to the above, 27 Invitees and
observers also attended the Apex Council meeting
Federation of Retired SAIL Employees
Apex Council Meeting @Ramgarh on April 09-10, 2016.
Annexure – II
A provisional
statement of accounts showing Income and Expenditure as on April 09, 2016
provided by the GS.
Audited Account of Income and Expenditure of the Federation of Retired SAIL Employees upto March 31, 2016

सेल के अवकाशप्राप्त कर्मियों के महासंघ के सर्वोच्च परिषद की बैठक की कार्यवाही का संक्षिप्त विवरण
महासंघ के सर्वोच्च
परिषद की बैठक झारखण्ड राज्य के रामगढ नगरी में आयोजित हुई. इसमें भद्रावती (कर्नाटक), बोकारो, बर्नपुर, केरल,
कलकत्ता, रामगढ,रांची,
राउरकेला और सलेम में स्थित संघों के प्रतिनिधि सदस्यों ने भाग लिया। सर्वप्रथम सितम्बर माह
में भद्रावती में हुए बैठक के फैसलों की समीक्षा की गयी और विचार विमर्श के दौरान
परिषद इस निर्णय पर पहुंची कि सेल के सेवानिवृत कर्मियों की समस्याओं से सेल
प्रबंधन ने मुंह मोड़ लिया है और अनुनय विनय की भाषा को हमारी कमजोरी मानकर कोई कदम
नहीं उठा रही है। इन मुद्दों में
(i) सामान्य एवं प्रत्यक्ष वित्तीय लाभ
के मुदे:
1. 2006 की 31 दिसंबर तक के
अवकाश प्राप्त कर्मियों को पांच हज़ार रुपये की राशि प्रतिमाह Ex-Gratia के रूप में देना
(जैसा ONGC,
BHEL, IOC इत्यादि
दे रही है)
- 2007 और उसके
बाद के अवकाशप्राप्त कर्मियों को पेंशन देना जैसा कि 2009 के सरकारी आदेश में
कहा गया है।
- सेल द्वारा
मान्यता प्रदान करना और आगे भी अवकाश प्राप्त कर्मियों के लाभ के लिए सभी
फैसले FORSE
सहमति से करना। इससे सेल मेडिक्लेम सम्बंधित नीति और कार्यान्वयन भी शामिल
- सेल
निगमित्त कार्यालय नई दिल्ली और
सभी इकाइयों में अवकाशप्राप्त कर्मियों की सुविधा के लिए एक पूर्णकालिक नोडल
पदाधिकारी और कार्यालय का गठन।
- सेवानिवृत्तकर्मियों
की सुविधा के लिए कलकत्ता में FORSE के
कार्यालय के लिए भवन अलॉट करना।
- स्टील
प्लांट और इकाइयों में पूर्व कर्मचारियों या उनके परिवार के सदस्यों को लीज
पर मकान देना।
7. कार्यपालक और
अकार्यपालक कर्मियों के लिए सामान फैसले करना और उनमे अंतर नहीं करना।
(ii) स्वास्थय सेवाओं
को बेहतर बनाने की हर अपील को दरकिनार किया गया तथा स्वास्थ्य बीमा के तहत
चलनेवाली स्कीम विभिन्न कारणों से लाभुकों के लिए सरदर्द बनती जा रही है। सदस्यों के देय अंश बढ़ते जा रहे हैं पर महंगाई में अनियंत्रित वृद्धि के बावजूद स्वास्थ्यसेवा के लाभ में
वर्षों से कोई वृद्धि नहीं हुई। तिसपर थर्ड पार्टी
एडमिनिस्ट्रेटर और बीमा कंपनी की अराजक कार्यशैली और
समय पर बिल के भुगतान न होने से मुश्किलें और भी बढ़ गयी
(iii) इस्को बर्नपुर एवं सेल रिफ्रैक्टरी यूनिट के
सेवानिवृत कर्मियों के बकाया भुगतान तथा भद्रावती में 2004 के पहले रिटायर हुए लोगो को मेडिक्लेम स्कीम के बाहर रखने की बात समझ में नहीं आती।
भारत सरकार द्वारा वरिष्ठ
नागरिकों के लिए समर्पित वचत योजनाओं जैसे वरिष्ठ नागरिक वचत योजना (SCSS), मासिक आय
योजना (MIS) एवं लोक भविष्य निधि (PPF) और बैंकों के सावधिक जमा पर मिलनेवाली व्याज दर मे भारी कटौती के कारण और
पेंशन के अभाव में सेल के सेवानिवृत्तकर्मियों का जीवन स्तर निम्न से निम्नतर होता
जा रहा है। ऐसी स्थिति ने जीवन को दुखांत बना दिया है। गम्भीर विचार
विमर्श के बाद परिषद ने यह
तय पाया कि सरकार का यह कदम सेल के सेवनिवृत्तकर्मियों-सह - वरिष्ठ नागरिकों के लिए अभिशाप से कम कुछ भी नहीं है। यह कदम सरकार के
द्वारा प्रचारित प्रसारित वरिष्ठ नागरिकों से सम्बद्ध आदर्शों के खिलाफ है और
इसमें कुछ भी सकारात्मक नहीं है।
इस स्थिति में परिषद यह मांग करती है कि
वरिष्ठ नागरिकों के लिए जमा राशि पर व्याज की दर 11% से कम न रखी जाय तथा छः लाख तक की आमदनी को कर मुक्त रखा जाय। इसके
अलावा इसमें महंगाई में
वृद्धि के साथ वृद्धि करने का प्रावधान शामिल हो जैसा की सरकर की सेवा से निवृत कर्मियों के लिए उपलब्ध है।
सर्वोच्च परिषद ने विमर्शों
के निचोड़ के आधार पर यह तय पाया कि लगातार गिरती हुई क्रय शक्ति के कारण
सेल के सेवनिवृत्तकर्मियों का जीवन दुःख एवं यातना से भरा हुआ है। इसलिए
ज्वलंत मुद्दों पर सेल एवं सरकार द्वारा पहल एवं रूचि नहीं
दिखाने के विरोध में FORSE ने संघर्ष
की योजना बनाई है।
आंदोलन के कार्यक्रम:
a) प्रेस तथा इस्पात नगरों में पोस्टर, बैनर के माध्यम से स्टील प्लांट और इकाइयों में इस अन्याय को
प्रसारित-प्रकाशित करना।
b) 20 जून 2016 को सभी इकाइयों में रैली निकालना।
c) 21 जून 2016
को सभी इकाइयों के हेड ऑफिस के सामने धरना देना।
d) 4 अगस्त 2016 को 12 बजे दोपहर से 2 बजे दिन तक मानव श्रृंखला का निर्माण करना।
e) 5 अगस्त 2016 को सभी इकाइयों के मुख्य कार्यालय के सामने धरना देना।
अगर सेल इसके बावजूद
सेवा-निवृत कर्मियों के लिए कोई ठोस कदम नहीं उठाती है तो नवंबर 2016 में पूजा और छठ के बाद सेल के
निगमित कार्यालय नै दिल्ली के सामने धारणा प्रदर्शन जका कार्यक्रम किया जाएगा।
Press Clippings 10/04/2016
1 टिप्पणी:
Essentially, the country is made up of three main geographical areas: the Mountain Heights Plateau in the centre, the Badia region to the cast and the country’s famous Jordan Rift Valley, Retro Jordans,which follows a route along its entire western border. The Mountain Heights Plateau stretches north to south in a spine-like fashion, with many of its peaks reaching well over 1,500m (4,920ft). The south of Jordan is dominated by the country’s highest mountain landscape, which stretches south of the vast sandy and rocky terrain of the Wadi Rum to the Saudi Arabia border. Its peak, the Jabal Umm ad Dami, reaches a height of 1,854m (6,083ft) above sea level, and can often be seen covered with a brilliant white dusting of snow that glistens as the sun rises. In sharp contrast to the mountains is the Dead Sea region, which at -420m (-1,378ft) is the lowest point on dry earth. The landscape here is stark, yet the sea’s still waters and its visible boulders covered with white crystal-like salt give it a sense of tranquillity.
The north of the country enjoys a largely Mediterranean climate and is characterised by great swathes of evergreen forest and a landscape of fruit trees. Apples, pears, plums, citrus fruits, grapes and olives thrive here, and are simply delicious. There are acres of arable land too, which is used for growing crops such as wheat, corn and cereals. Towards the northwest, Jordans Shoes,vegetables like potatoes, cauliflowers and aubergine, that have for centuries provided the staple ingredients for many local dishes, dominate. Together, these areas produce more than half of all the fresh food products eaten by Jordanians today.
The Badia region, comprising five deserts including the Eastern Desert, Central Desert and to the south the Rum Desert, extends to the country’s easternmost borders. It is a huge, arid, golden, jordan releases,desert-like plateau that stretches for miles, interspersed by the lush greenery of an odd oasis, areas of desert steppes, several seasonal streams and a handful of settlements, towering mountains and extraordinary rock formations.
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