शुक्रवार, 3 जनवरी 2025


 From a post in WhatsApp group EPS'95 - Post 1/9/2014  

Those Retirees who completed 58 years on 01/09/2014 or after and have submitted Joint option for higher pension and have received DLs may please submit the cheque along with the Consent Form (Blank form given  below) to their concerned Finance dept. Ranchi unit pensioners may submit to Sri KS Saha/ Sri Saurabh Jha in RDCIS Finance Dept.
The Ranchi pensioners who are living away from Ranchi have to send their cheques to RDCIS Finance Department which they will deposit to EPFO on your behalf. But since RDCIS has no arrangement to receive cheques, please send the cheques to one of your friends at Ranchi by registered/ speed post and ask him/ her to deposit them in the RDCIS finance department.


There are 5 inputs which is required for the calculation of monthly pension :
(1) DOB
(2) Date of entry in EPS'95 i.e. 16-11-95 (same for every one).
(3) Date of exit  from EPS'95 - exact date of 58 yrs. eg., in my case - my DOB is 20-02-1959 so DOE will be 19-02-2017
(4) Max. Basic+DA upto 31-08-2014
(5) Last 60 months average wage i.e Avg(Basic+DA) preceding the date of exit from the membership of EPS'95.
Now login as usual using OTP. Press PENSION CALCULATOR and fill the above 4 inputs. Select NCP period - YES.
NCP before and after 1.9.14 will be zero. After filling all the data,
It will automatically calculate your MONTHLY PENSION. Thanks
For easy reference. Max Basic+DA upto 31-8-2014 will be the Basic+DA of August 2014.
One factor has not been taken into account in the PENSION CALCULATOR of EPFO. i.e. Past service benefit under FPS 1971 but it should be taken into the higher person. In that case, pension will marginally increase by 500-700 rupees.
The CONSENT FORM is given below.




(For implementation of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgment, dated the 04th November, 2022, in Civil Appeal No. 8143-8144 of 2022 [SLP (C) Nos. 8658-8659 of 2019] in the matter of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation and others versus Sunil Kumar B. and others)


The Regional Provident Fund Commissioner

Regional Office… 

I ................................................................................................................................... am an existing member of the EPF Scheme, 1952 having UAN ….........................….................... I have read and understood the provisions of paragraph 26(6) as well as the definition of ‘pay’ under paragraph 2 of the Scheme. I wish to contribute towards my EPF on actual (higher) pay exceeding the statutory wage ceiling (presently Rs 15,000/ per month) w.e.f. .................. ………...................... and accordingly, submit my option to contribute on my actual ( higher ) pay.


I ................................................................................................................................... having read and understood Para 26(6) and the definitions of ‘pay’, and ‘excluded employee’ as mentioned under Para 2 of EPF Scheme, 1952, hereby declare that I am an ‘Excluded Employee’ as per Para 2(f)(ii) of the Scheme and am not enrolled as a member of the Scheme as my ‘pay’ from the date of joining my establishment .......................................................................... ………........................................................................................................ having PF Code…….................................. has been above the statutory wage ceiling (presently Rs.15,000/- per month).Now, I wish to become a member of the EPF Scheme, 1952 w.e.f. ………….................. and accordingly hereby exercise my option for the same. I undertake to contribute to Employees’ Provident Fund on actual (higher) pay.

I................................................................................................................................... , being the employer as per the provisions of Section 2(e) of the EPF & MP Act 1952, in respect of the above-mentioned employee and am submitting a joint request for the purpose of enrolling the member/existing member who has been paying contribution on actual pay exceeding statutory wage ceiling/existing members whose actual pay exceeds statutory wage ceiling.


Employer Name,

Designation of the employer


Signature of

Name & Signature of the employee


(For implementation of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgment, dated the 04th November, 2022, in Civil Appeal No. 8143-8144 of 2022 [SLP (C) Nos. 8658-8659 of 2019] in the matter of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation and others versus Sunil Kumar B. and others)


I..................................................................................................................................., being the employer as per the provisions of Section 2(e) of the EPF & MP Act 1952, in respect of the above-mentioned employee, hereby undertake to pay the administrative charges payable at prescribed rates towards EPF contribution made by/ in respect of the said employee, including his/ her contribution on pay exceeding the statutory wage ceiling.

I further undertake to comply with all the statutory provisions under EPF & MP Act, 1952 and Schemes framed there under in respect of such employee with effect from……............





Signature of Employer

Name, Designation of the employer


(For Office use)


The above Joint Request is accepted with effect from _____________ with a direction to make necessary entries in the records of the establishment and the Account of the Employee/Member*.


DA                                                                        AO                                                           APFC


The Employer (Establishment) for information to member


गुरुवार, 2 जनवरी 2025

Aggressive action requested from SAIL /SAIL units to get Higher Pension under EPS 95

 By e-mail: chairman.sail@sail.in




Sri Amarendu Prakash,


Steel Authority of India Ltd,

Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 

New Delhi – 110 003.

Sub: Aggressive action requested from SAIL /SAIL units to get DLs from EPFO offices for Higher Pension.

Dear Sir,

This is to bring to your kind notice that in light of and as a consequence to the Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated 4th November, 2022 a large numger of retired and existing employees of SAIL units had exercised the joint option with the employer i.e. the concerned SAIL Unit for consideration of Pension based on higher wages. The Joint option applications were mostly sent Online to the concerned regional offices of the Employee Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) in 2023.

On following up with the SAIL units as well as the concerned office of EPFO it is learnt by the concerned FORSE affiliated Unit Associations as also by the individual pensioners, that the processing of the individual joint option applications are at different stages in different units. As a result DLs are being issued only in the tens and twenties or at the most in hundreds when Applicants in some of the Units run in thousands. This implies that scrutiny on their part is still not over. Moreover, there is no other way the applicants, mostly the retired persons of SAIL, can know the status than to ask their concerned unit's Finance personnel of the same. Our year long experience in this matter gathered from other PSUs and also SAIL plants shows a pattern that EPFO asks for document after document from the Exempted trusts on the one hand and a just compliance of the same by the trusts on the other hand completes a never ending cycle. The wait of a retired person thus just goes on endlessly as there is nothing that he or she can do having filled up the application long back. It is in this context that we feel our employer, SAIL/ SAIL units should take up the matter with the Head Office of the  EPFO in Delhi and also at the unit level with the concerned regional offices to expedite completion of scrutiny and get the concerned EPFO to start sending the Demand letters to the applicants.

It is strongly felt that SAIL, as an employer, has a serious role to play in expediting issuance of Demand letters by the EPFO and should not rest till this aim has been achieved. For this purpose SAIL units may initiate holding periodic meetings with the concerned regional EPFO.  If so required, members of our concerned Unit Associations, on behalf of the mainstakeholders, the retired and joint applicants, shall be willing to cooperate with all concerned till the objective is achieved. Since the matter is getting delayed without any seemingly validreasons, your kind intervention is highly solicited to protect the interest of the retired employees who are otherwise being denied the fruits of their much needed enhanced pension.
With kind regards,  

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees

Dr V N Sharma Chairman

Ram Agar Singh  General Secretary

Check EPFO website to know the status of DL

From a post in WhatsApp group EPS'95 - Post 1/9/2014   

 Dear Eligible Pensioners (post-01/09/2014)
Those Retirees who completed 58 years on 01/09/2014 or after and have submitted Joint option for higher pension can check the status of their Demand Letters in the EPFO website. One can access the EPFO site using this link https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/ 

Log in with your PPO no or UAN no. to know the status. It's self guiding.

  1. Click - Track the status of higher pension application
  2. Enter UAN no.
  3. Then Aadhar authentication
  4. OTP will go on your mobile connected with Aadhar.

Pensioners are advised to check EPFO site at least once in a day if you have not received your DL.

Members may inform their unit retirees / colleagues to follow this and do as required. You will be allowed to deposit the Demanded amount only when you get the DL in your email and proceed through your Trust Chairman/ Secretary.