गुरुवार, 27 मई 2021

Acknowledgement of improvement in SMSRE 2021-22

 By e-mail


May 27, 2021      


Ms Soma Mondal,


Steel Authority of India Ltd,

Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 

New Delhi – 110 003.

Sub: Acknowledgement of improvement in SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 2021-22.

Ref: Our FORSE/SAIL-C/0621 dated May 25, 2021


This is to gratefully acknowledge the improvements indicated in SAIL Mediclaim Scheme for 2021-22 through the Tender documents floated by SAIL recently. In addition to some favourable changes in the cuppings on procedures/ packages, a look at the Tender document revealed the following positive changes. Madam, we are thankful to you for your kind initiative and approval to these improvements in the Scheme desired/ demanded by FORSE, some of them for over 7 years now. 

1)  IPD / Cashless treatment increased to Rs. 8.00 lakhs: Our long-term demand of IPD/ Cashless treatment has been increased from earlier Rs 4 lakhs to Rs. 8 lakhs with floater facilities.

2)  Treatment for Age Related Macular degeneration with Injection Avastin/Lucentis/Macugen: Rs.1,00,000 

3)   Robotic Surgery allowed.

4)  Premium for 80+: Only Rs 100 will be the registration fee for those who are 80 and above.

5)   Introduction of Tele-medicine and e-pharmacy

6)   Premium in respect of gap cases to be same as others

Madam, we request you to kindly take further cognizance and give serious sympathetic consideration to our Suggestions for improvement in Healthcare policy for SAIL Retirees (2021-22) and introduce necessary changes in OPD coverage for uniform application throughout the country so that the heart burning of discrimination in OPD coverage caused by locational disadvantage does not exist anymore. We also request for a SAIL-FORSE meeting with you, as per your convenience, so that communication gap is bridged.

With regards,

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees

(V. N. Sharma)


(Ram Agar Singh(

 Gen Secretary

बुधवार, 26 मई 2021

SAIL Mediclaim Tender floated

This is to inform you that SAIL has floated Tender yesterday evening for SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 2021-22 with 16th June as the closing date of the Tender. To the best of our informal communication SAIL Chairman Ms Soma Mondal has taken initiative in deciding all the following important changes that FORSE has been putting up to SAIL on a regular basis, some of them like enhancement in IPD/ Cashless for the last 7 years.. We are thankful to her for her initiative and kind consideration.

A cursory glance of the Tender document reveals the following changes. 

1. IPD / Cashless treatment increased to Rs. 8.00 lakhs: Our long term demand of IPD/ Cashless treatment has been increased from earlier Rs 4 lakhs to Rs. 8 lakhs with floater facilities.

2. Treatment for age related Macular degeneration with Injection Avastin/Lucentis/Macugen: Rs.1,00,000  

3. Robotic Surgery allowed.

4. Premium for 80+ : Only Rs 100 will be the registration fee for those who are 80 and above. However, no other changes appear in OPD premium or coverage.

The following cappings on procedures/ packages, as given below, shall also be applicable:  

Disease/ Treatment Cappings  
1.  Hernia repair including Hernia Mesh:  Rs. 40,000
2. Cholecystectomy Rs. 45,000  
3. Haemorroidectomy Rs. 25,000  
4. Appendicetomy Rs. 35,000  
5. Hysterectomy Rs. 45,000  
6.Coronary Angiogram/ Angiography : Rs. 16,000
7.Tonsillectomy Rs. 15,000
8. Cataract on one eye (excluding cost of IOL)/Package rate  for Cataract on one eye including IOL  
a. Rs. 15,000/  
b. Rs. 25,000  
9. Knee Implantation-unilateral (excluding cost of implant) :Rs.1,00,000  
10. For bed capping cities 1.5% I.e. 6000.00 for state capital  1.25% and other area 1%.


1. Left out cases will be allowed with normal charges in coming renewal.

After proper detailed study of the Tender document FORSE will decide on the left out issues and demands. Our other demands which are not considered till now will be on our priority and our efforts will continue to persuade SAIL to improve the Scheme further.

मंगलवार, 25 मई 2021

FORSE to SAIL for improvement in Healthcare


By e-mail


May 25, 2021      


Ms Soma Mondal,


Steel Authority of India Ltd,

Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, 

New Delhi – 110 003.

Sub: Proposal for improvement in SAIL Mediclaim Scheme for SAIL   Retirees for 2021-22

Ref: Our FORSE/SAIL-C/0521 dated May 10, 2021 with request for urgent SAIL-FORSE Meeting


This has reference to the latest of our chain of communications starting with our letter No. FORSE/SAIL-C/ 0221 dated Jan 02, 2021 addressed to you, mainly with a request to arrange a long-pending SAIL-FORSE meeting to discuss various issues, concerning the Retirees like operation of SAIL Pension Scheme, Covid-19, and to resolve the major issues. All of them including the latest for improvement in SMSRE 2021-22 remained un-responded till now whereas the formulation and tender calling etc for this matter is already in progress.

We have come to know through reliable sources that SAIL had a formal meeting with SEFI on SAIL Mediclaim Scheme. We are sure that both SAIL and SEFI representatives, participating in such meetings, are serving employees and all of such people are guaranteed of full Healthcare.

Madam, in a human life especially spent in employment, 60+ and 60- years (Age at superannuation) has a lot of difference and meaning which comes out from person-to-person and day-to-day experience of a sufferer’s life or close watchers like FORSE representatives. How can SEFI representatives raise SAIL’s ever continuing discriminatory approach in OPD coverage of Rs 48000/- for the Retiree and same for the spouse in SAIL Corporate Office Dispensary, Delhi and RMD Kolkata and Rs.4000/ 8000 for Retirees in other locations like Ispat Bhawan Dispensary in Kolkata? Other locations don’t have even that. Ranchi is a peculiar case of suffering Retirees where SAIL has no control over the Healthcare services which is fully under MECON. What need for SEFI members toknow the basis of SAIL-NJCS 1978 Agreement and how it is affecting Retiree’s life?

To save both SAIL and our members from ending up with an unsatisfactory Mediclaim Scheme for 2021-22 which, has been going from bad to worse in quality of service and satisfaction to Retirees as a Scheme year after year. We also have in mind the fiasco that took place last year and changes, though illegally, were introduced in the Agreement after it was signed and circulated and could not be corrected till the end. Not sure, for whose benefit such a summersault was executed and who were responsible for this. All this resulted from lack of communication between SAIL and FORSE.

In view of the above, FORSE Apex Council obtained the views of large cross-section of the Retirees, located in the nooks and corners of India, prepared the principle- and need- based Suggestions for improvement in Healthcare policy for SAIL Retirees (2021-22) which is attached herewith. Though such a one-sided communication with total silence at the other end cannot substitute for two-way communication- an universally accepted the best way of functioning in a democratic set-up yet we request you to kindly consider the attached suggestions seriously point-by-point. Once again I request you to kindly order for organising a SAIL-FORSE Meeting in virtual mode so that we can formulate a much better SMSRE -2021/22.

With regards,

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees

(V. N. Sharma)


(Ram Agar Singh(

 Gen Secretary


Suggestions for improvement in Healthcare policy for SAIL Retirees (2021-22)

1.      All SAIL Retirees to be treated at par with serving employees at least for hospitalised treatment in SAIL nominated hospitals as per agreement with NJCS in 1978 (Annexure -II) and also prevalent in some major PSUs like ONGC, IOC, EIL, NTPC etc.

2.      We recommend that New India Assurance Company Ltd alongwith MDIndia Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd. as TPA be allowed to continue for our SAIL Mediclaim Scheme for 2021-22 also as they were found to have done satisfactory work in the current year 2020-21.

3.      Till above is implemented @90% of the premium should be paid by SAIL across the board for all age groups of Retirees. May be noted that the premium contribution was fixed at a token amount of Rs. 196 at the start of this scheme from the Retired Employees as it was considered an obligation. This has gone in the range of Rs.9000 without any improvement, whatsoever, in the Healthcare of the Retirees.  

4.      Coverage under OPD is proposed to be as follows:

a.     For all those Retirees who are availing the OPD facilities at SAIL Hospitals/ Dispensaries, all medicines plus diagnostics tests to be provided/ done by SAIL Hospitals/ Dispensaries at its own counters/tests as is being done for the serving employees. (If medicines are not available on the Hospital counters it must be purchased/ procured by SAIL Hospitals and supplied to the Retiree/ spouse within two days as is being done in SAIL Corporate Office Dispensary) In such a situation Retirees will not claim reimbursement for OPD. This practice was in force till 2008. However, without any reason or rhyme and office order without the approval of the Competent Authority it is a gross violation of NJCS Agreement and also the established norms of SAIL.

b.     For all other Retirees from other locations, OPD coverage to be raised to Rs.48000/- for self and Rs 48000/-for spouse on the same terms and conditions prevalent in SAIL Corporate Office Dispensary and RMD dispensary at Kolkata as per circular in Annexure-III

c.      Serious issues of SAIL Retirees at Ranchi Ispat Hospital Ranchi

                                i.       Ispat Hospital Ranchi is under MECON and is not following much of the SAIL Policy on Healthcare and medicines are seldom available on the IH counters for months and years. Every medicine has to be purchased by the Retiree

                              ii.       Doctors visit to SAIL Satellite Township Dispensary which is run and managed for professional (Medical support) by MECON and infra-structure by SAIL Units Ranchi is seldom and highly irregular and, there too, medicines are never available.

                             iii.       In case doctor is present and writes the prescription for the SAIL retirees located in SAIL Satellite Township or nearby places are required to visit Ispat Hospital for medicines available and visit medical shops outside for those not available. SAIL Retirees are standing sufferers due to this negligence. How such an arrangement can help Sr Citizens from not getting infected by Covid-19?

d.     Solution: To mitigate these miseries of Retirees at Ranchi, SAIL must ensure posting of a doctor and sufficient medicines in SAIL Satellite Township Dispensary and create a separate facility - within IH or without - for disbursement of medicines upto Rs.48000/- for self and Rs 48000/- on the same terms and conditions to Ranchi located Retirees, as is available in SAIL Corp. Office Dispensary, Delhi. As an alternative, SAIL Ranchi Units may also adopt the suggestions made in para 4 a and provide all medicines from the counter under which condition Retirees at Ranchi will not claim reimbursement for OPD.

5.      FORSE proposes an IPD/ Cashless coverage

a)   FORSE proposes an IPD/ Cashless coverage of Rs.12 lakhs for self and spouse under IPD/ Cashless/ Hospitalisation cases on floater basis without any increase in premium to be paid by Retired Employees. (A maximum of Rs. 4 lakhs on floater basis coverage for self and spouse under IPD/ Cashless/Hospitalisation cases has existed in SAIL for over 15 years when the cost of Healthcare and cost of living have gone up beyond imagination. Even Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant has better Healthcare schemes and premium share much lower than SAIL retirees)

b)   SAIL run Hospitals have been found to be recovering the cost of cashless treatment from the Insurance Co./TPA as and when he is discharged. Till March 2017 the cost of treatment at Unit Hospitals were clamed from Insurance Company at the last month of validity period. Otherwise, in case of second entry for treatment the Retiree may face financial difficulty. In light of the SAIL-NJCS 1978 Agreement it is illegal as the Retiree is supposed to get free treatment. the FORSE proposes that as per the earlier established practice the recovery should be made at the end of the duration of the Scheme. 

6.      Covid-19 special:

a.  The premium for the Top up is too high and most members fail to take advantage of the Top up Scheme even in the midst of the critical Corona wave. It is proposed that SAIL should bear a minimum of 50% of the premium on this account.

b.  Entry in the Top up be allowed at any point of time after a Member has renewed his basic membership.

c.  It is proposed to provide the option of "Co-Pay" for the Top Up scheme for those members who want to avail it and reduce the Premium amount.

d.  A provision should be made to enhance the coverage of the Top up scheme in between the period of its coverage in all 4 slabs i.e. Rs 5, 10,15 and 20 lakhs.

e.  Insurance Company/ TPA need to have Tie up with all COVID hospitals in all places with a guarantee of Bed and facilities available for Covid treatment.

7.      SAIL Retirees or spouse must be allowed OPD/ IPD treatment in any SAIL Hospital or SAIL designated Hospitals/ Nursing Homes/ Dispensaries on production of SAIL Medical Card/ Aadhar Card/ Mediclaim card.

8.     Actual cabin/ room charges of Hospital should be paid not exceeding 2 percent of total limit on floater basis ie Rs.8000 at metropolis and at other places. Calculation should be made on the Combined floater upper limit. ICU/CCU/ITU/HDU and Ventilation charges should be on actual basis

9.     Capping should be summarily abolished as in all the cases hospitals are charging much more. Moreover, if capping is insisted then there is no choice for the doctors. Hospitals are having their list

10.   Robotic surgery should be incorporated in the SAIL Mediclaim Scheme as it involves less blood loss and convalescence and it is ideally suited for senior citizens.

11.    Immunotherapy treatment for Cancer patients should be added.

12.    In SAIL- run hospitals

     i.        The resources are thinning down very fast due to superannuation of doctors, staffs and lack of modern machines or infrastructure and it is forcing a substantial retired employee to go to private hospitals by paying higher cost. The SAIL burden on this account may reduce drastically if our unit hospitals are modernized and upgraded

    ii.        The experienced doctors are retiring every month. SAIL should either increase the retirement age of doctors or engage them to provide their services on a lucrative package.

  iii.        List of FORSE suggested Hospitals in the link https://tinyurl.com/SMSRE-Hospital2122 can be used for expanding the Hospital Base for both OPD/ IPD and Covide Treatment.

13.    After a lot of persuasion by us and the public figures/ MPs VISP Bhadravati employees- retired between 1998 and 2004 - were allowed to avail the facilities of SAIL Mediclaim Scheme since last year. However, during its implementation some of the Retirees, living in far flung areas and also due to restricted movement as an effect of Corona pandemic could not join. We propose to permit such Retirees - retired between 1998 and 2004- to join.

14.   Due to Covid pandemic most Retirees have avoided going 
to hospitals/ diagnostics centres for regular check-up and for OPD consultation.
Unless there are new problem(s) the senior citizens are advised to avoid going out including to hospitals. In view of this, it should be made obligatory on the Insurance Company and the TPA to accept a copy of the 2019 prescription and recent medicine invoices for OPD claims and to reimburse the Bill amount of the claims as per the norms.

15.   For similar reasons as above as also heavy consultation charges like Rs. 600-1000 by private doctors and OPD, specially at Kolkata Ispat Bhawan as indefinitely closed, reimbursement should be allowed for treatment by National TeleConsultation Service through https://esanjeevaniopd.in or Registered Medical Practitioners as there is advantage due to logistics of habitats and high charges of specialists of hospitals attached to OPD.

16.   Expenses on Dialysis/other diagnostic purposes for which the person has to visit the hospitals on regular interval must be covered.

17.   Day Care Treatment: The patients are admitted and discharged on the same day in such cases as:

a)     Endo therapy for liver disease,

b)     Chemotherapy & other treatment for cancer,

c)      Dialysis for kidney disease,

d)     Diagnostic purposes etc.

Payments in above mentioned cases should be made not being admitted in the hospital for more than 24 hours. All planned day care procedures at approved hospitals should be cashless 

18.   All capping limits need to be reviewed as they haven’t been modified since inception. They should be on actual basis.

19.   IT may please be noted that till a few years (3-4 yrs) ago SAIL mediclaim policy covered Preventive  Health Check-up  but suddenly it was put up in IMPORTANT EXCLUSIONS clause. Preventive Health Check up be removed from Exclusions list and included in regular list.

20.   Age Related Macular degeneration (AMD)

a.  can strike anyone but is not covered under the current policy. As it is age related, it is all the more important that this is covered for retirees. Treatment for Age Related Macular degeneration like Avastin injection in the eye should be covered. It is a day care procedure.

b.  Treatment of Macular Eye disease should be taken out from the list formally from the exclusion list. Last year there was lot of Fiasco. SAIL got it included in the Exclusion list again almost two weeks later which was both legally and morally wrong.

21.  SAIL to create facilities of a consulting doctor, a dispensary and a medical store in all cities/towns, where it does not have a Hospital/ dispensary of its own, on the same pattern as exists in the Corporate Office, Delhi.

22.    SAIL Nodal Officer/IRPs for Mediclaim matters to be responsible for settling grievances of Mediclaim members in relation to treatment, payment, entry, release and settling of Bills for Cashless treatment of member from Hospital. A 24 hr -3 shift office may be set up and operated to help Retirees.

23.    Renewal of lapsed mediclaim: Anytime and every time with a nominal charge.

24.    Profit sharing by SAIL with the Insurance Company in the Agreement should be amended to replace Profit sharing by SAIL exclusively with Mediclaim members.

25. List of FORSE suggested Hospitals in the link https://tinyurl.com/SMSRE-Hospital2122




