The Federation of Retired SAIL Employees (FORSE), a regd. organisation, of all the Member Associations of Retired Employees of SAIL Units/Plants located in different parts of the country and affiliated to it. It provides Connectivity to members for Social and Collective Action, actively works for the welfare of the members through the Member Associations. Write your comment or queries below the page or e-mail to
शुक्रवार, 20 मई 2016
सोमवार, 9 मई 2016
Defaulter Retirees permitted to join SAIL Mediclaim Scheme
1. Pl. find enclosed a copy of the letter from SAIL advising Plants/ Units to permit defaulter SAIL Retirees (Limitation as in para 4 below) to join SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 2016-17.
2. The eligibilty :
(i) who never joined or
(ii) who made a break/gap and became disqualified.
3. The last date is 31st May 2016.
5. Defaulter Retirees are required to pay full premium at the following rates to be deposited by interested members, to be enrolled/re-enrolled under the scheme:
-- For members below 70 years of age as on 1.4.2016 - Rs.10365.00 per member
-- For members above 70 years of age as on 1 .4.2016 -Rs.12660.00 per member
09th May 2016
Sri P.K.Singh,
Steel Authority of India Ltd.
Ispat Bhawan, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003.
Sub: Request to permit fresh inclusion of defaulter SAIL Retirees not covered by SAIL Mediclaim Scheme
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the SAIL’s Retirees’ Collective we thank you for extending the date of renewal upto 31st May 2016. However, our request to permit fresh inclusion of defaulter Retirees, not covered by SAIL Mediclaim Scheme so far because of some extraneous reason, appears not to have been taken into consideration. We have a large number of such cases- some of them seem to have appealed to you directly also- who for various reason missed the opportunity and who continue to be in distress for lack of both financial and healthcare support.
I request you to kindly permit the fresh inclusion of such cases for which necessary order may be issued soon as the time is running out.
With thanks and kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
शनिवार, 7 मई 2016
Last date of SAIL Mediclaim extended to 31st May 2016
Pl. note for yourself and convey to / inform your near and dear ex-colleagues, who might have missed the opportunity of renewal, that the last date for completing the process of renewal of membership under SAIL Mediclaim Scheme (2016-17) has been extended till 31 st May, 2016. No further extension shall be granted.
--- DrVNSharma
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